Stanford Pines, Death Day is Here

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(Luna's POV) (Flashback)

It was during the party in the Fearamid, I was talking to my best friend Veronica, when my dad, in his human form, pulled me aside

"Listen here Lunala," he called me by my actual name, he's actually serious about something, "I need you to take Cosmo and hide in your room, if the Pines found out you existed, they will try to kill you."

"What, are they coming for you?" I asked 

"Yes, they are going to try and kill me, if the Fearamid starts crumbling, get out, or you'll be shoved back into the Nightmare realm. If I come back and tell you to come on out, you are okay," Dad's one eye started tearing up, "If I disappear, I want you to live, don't try to avenge me, I will always come back."

(End of Flashback)

I knocked on the door of the Mystery Shack, and Stanley answered the door 

"I would like to see Stanford Pines please, he's an old friend of my dad's!" I said cheerfully

"Hey Ford! There's a girl who wants to see ya! Come on in kid!" Stan welcomed me in and had me sit on the couch in the living room

"Hi! I'm Mabel, I REALLLLY LIKE YOUR SWEATER!" A girl said

"Thanks, I saw the picture in a dream and decided to put it on a sweater," I laughed

I saw Dipper in the corner of the couch, "Who's that?" I asked Mabel

"That's Dipstick!" Mabel said

"Don't call me that!" A 17 year old Dipper said

"What do you need?" I turned around and Ford was in the door way

"It's very serious, and something not to be held lightly," I looked at Ford dead in the eye, "Bill Chiper is alive."

"Come outside with me right now young lady," I stepped outside with Ford, "Your not joking, are you?"

My voice became very demonic and distorted "Actually, Bill's my father, and you killed him, and here's my revenge," I laughed and made my finger nails into claws and hooked them around one of Stanford's eyes and ripped it out, then made my arm into a sword and stabbed Ford in the stomach.

"If you knew what his actual intentions were, you wouldn't of made him disappear." I ate the eyeball and finally shifted into my demon form

Dipper, Mabel, and Stan ran out, and I started laughing insanely

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Dipper, Mabel, and Stan ran out, and I started laughing insanely. I kneeled and started sucking out Ford's blood and eating his heart

"What did you do?!" Dipper yelled while holding a crying Mabel

"I avenged my father, and now," I started cackling, "I can go back home! This man was the ONLY THING anchoring me here, and now I'm free!" I floated up into the air

"Aren't you gonna kill the rest of us?" Stan yelled

"I don't have any problems with the rest of you, Ford was the one who made me an orphan! If he had never been so stupid as to make that deal, daddy would still be alive, I WOULD BE HAPPY!" I yelled

"Still, that's no reason to kill Ford!" Stan said

"What's going on here? I'm trying to curl my hair to get ready for a ball and-" 

"Hello Pacifica! Don't get on my nerves girly, or your family is going to be soulless, literally!" I laughed, and opened a portal to the Nightmare Realm, but held all the monsters back

"I'll be back Pine tree." I lifted up Dipper and kissed him, "I'll always-" I stopped, that was the same thing daddy said to me, before Ford killed him

I tipped off my hat and stepped through the portal, "REMEMBER: REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYEEEE!"

(Dipper's POV)

I held Mabel as I looked at Grunkle Ford's body

"Let's go bury him," Grunkle Stan said

Stan lifted Ford's body over his shoulder and we buried him by his bunker

"I'm gonna go drown myself if liquor, you kids are welcome to the piles of Pitt-Cola in the fridge," Stan said

"Let's go Mabel," I piggy-backed a sobbing Mabel back to the Mystery Shack and set her on her bed

"Why did she have to do that?" She sobbed into her sweater

"Well, I would guess it was because of her depression," I said

"What makes ya think that?" Mabel sniffled

"Well, one, the only parent she ever knew died 5 years ago, and she's been anchored in Gravity Falls ever since, two, she wanted to see her friends again, so she wouldn't be lonely anymore," I said

"I guess," Mabel said

I looked outside and saw the demon appear and she landed with a thud on the ground, "Dipper, Help me!" 

I ran downstairs and saw her purple eyes full of terror, "Pine Tree!" She gasped

"Nrub lliw dlorw eht hguorht sessap ehs nehw dna denruter sah stiripS fo neeuQ ehT!" She just said a bunch of gibberish, then passed out

I carried her in and set her on my bed. I saw a blue heart locket around the demons neck, I opened it and I saw a little girl and Bill as a human, and on the left side it said 

"You will always be my Luna."

Luna must be her name. Luna shot up and went back to her human form and hugged me

"Thanks Dipper," Luna's voice wasn't distorted, and it wasn't the voice she was talking with earlier, it was sweet, almost like she really was human, and not a demon faking a human voice 

"Dipper," Luna stopped hugging me and looked me dead in the eye, "We have to stay in Gravity Falls, you CANNOT GO HOME at the end of the month!" 

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