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  I didn't know what to do. I just lost my sister and I was about to lose my will to live. My parents died when I was 9 and me and my sister live in Fort Worth, Texas with my aunt and uncle. They are kind to me and  I do love them but I also really loved my parents. Also, I really hate the school where I go. It's not that people are mean, they are just fake people who just hide their true stories behind a mask. I just wish that people would do other things other than take pointless selfies and try to get to know each other better. You I grew up in a Christian home but I didn't see the point in having a relationship with Christ. I mean I don't really know anything about him. I've hardly ever read a Bible. And if Jesus is who what everyone says he is why does he let bad things happen to him. They say he came and died for our sins but there are still bad things that happen in the world. I just felt really hopeless and lost. I didn't know who to turn to.

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