The Reunion

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This weekend my parent's high school was hosting their reunion. Which meant that we had to fly over to California. I mean I was all for it, it was the fact I had to leave my beautiful girlfriend.

But, I get to see some kids I haven't seen in a while. Like my cousins. Except I had to see someone I knew I did not like in the least amount of ways. Brandon Grier.

My parents told me that they had been pretty close friends with them in high school and college. Oh, how things change. I guess you can't always like someone. Oh, and there was another person! Leah Spikes.

You would think my parents would move across the country to get away from everyone but it seems as if everyone just followed them over here.

We flew to California last night after school. We were staying in a hotel on the beach but since it was November, the water was cold. I tried to get in last night when we got here and I immediately got out because it was so cold. I was lying in the hotel bed thinking about my beautiful girlfriend and what she could be up to. So, I dialed her number.

She picked it up and breathed, "Colton!"

"Hey Ives, how are ya?" I ask her. I hope she was hanging out with her girlfriends since I had been spending all my time with her. I need to give her space.

I could picture her smiling as she spoke, "about to head over to Emily's. What are you up to, babe?"

I sighed looking up at the ceiling as I spoke into the phone, "thinking about you."

She giggled, "Babe! Get out of bed and go make friends. Where are your parents?"

"Eating breakfast. It's only nine in the morning here." I take the opportunity to climb out of bed and walk out onto the balcony that connected to our room. There was a beautiful view of the ocean.

"Why aren't you eating with them?" She asks confused.

"I ate after I worked out this morning. I woke up at like six here because of the time change." It's true. I did go workout this morning. Well, I went to the hotel gym used the treadmill, and ran five miles before I did a bodywork workout.

I could picture her rolling her eyes at me. "Colton, you are on vacation. Give yourself a break."

"Come on Ives, there's only a month left of football. Let me train then I'll take a day or two off." It was a natural habit of me to work out. I had been doing it for years. I would wake up, work out, go to school, practice, come home, sleep. And of course, I would fit Ivy into that schedule.

She groaned, "Whatever babe," She paused for a moment, "I gotta go, the girls are here. I love you, Colton!"

"Love you too Ivy. Have a good day, I'll talk to you later." What I would do to be able to kiss her right now. I'm so whipped.

"Don't be too mean to Leah. We wouldn't want to embarrass her," Ivy reminded me.

I chuckle, "I'll try, Ives. Bye." I hang up the phone and head back inside to get ready for the day. I take a quick shower then put on a pair of shorts and a collared shirt. Good enough.

We were in California so it was still pretty warm. I wouldn't mind living here. I don't know why the heck my parents would want to move away from this beautiful place. It seems so cool to live here. When I finish getting ready my parents and sister come back into the room and they start to get ready as well.

"What are we doing today?" I ask my mom as she puts her makeup on.

She doesn't answer for a moment as she's too focused on putting her mascara on. "Your father and I decided to show you around town before we get ready for the reunion." I nod and play on my phone until everyone is ready to go.

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