Chapter 17

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(A/N: Mr. Degeneres up top. Me likey so I hope you likey too)

Chapter 17: Me? Special?

I was surprised when I attended my magic 101 class three days after my impressive performance to find out that I had not just broken a rock. I had broken a diamond. It now all made so much more sense to me. The reason why it had been so effortless to Ms. Dovermal was not just because she had been perfecting her magic for years, but because she gave herself a real rock and gave all of her students' large diamonds that were painted gray.

The rock had not just been sparkly like a diamond, it was a diamond. A part of me wanted to be mad, I had thought that I was so weak that I couldn't break a rock but it hadn't been working because it was a diamond. I wanted to yell at Ms. Dovermal. But, then I realized after I was able to crush the diamond in one go, that I hadn't been trying my hardest.

I had thought that it would be hard and didn't try to draw in as much energy as I could, but once I was so pissed at Ms. Dovermal that I just aimed all of my anger at the diamond, I was able to do much more than I ever believed I could. So now I wanted to thank Ms. Dovermal, as odd as that sounded.

My other classmates though were completely upset. There were the rare few who had similar thoughts to mine, realizing that they were not just weak and she had given them a challenge, but the rest of my classmates were just upset that she led them to believe that it was just a rock. One guy was even getting teary at the idea that he had destroyed such an expensive diamond yesterday and had wished that he had known so that he could have taken it away.

All of us knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it and would have been caught immediately, but no one took the time to tell him of that.

After that class was less strenuous than usual and I was glad to just have to memorize spells and not have to sweat from trying to destroy a diamond. I actually should have been alright with the idea of working though because for the past two days before this, I had to do some of the simplest work because most of my classmates only finished on the very last day. But hey, I was allowed to enjoy doing nothing in class, I had enough work already.


I had a couple of classes that went the same as they did every single day today, I was alright with the routine though because it made college feel a lot less stressful than I had first expected. Then I had a class with Dean, as usual, it was so much fun. But now, after class ended, Dean called me over. I was pretty curious as to why I was still ignoring Sam but we had already talked about it so it probably wasn't about that. And as far as I knew I was doing all of my school work.

I was still thinking about why he would be calling me over when I came to stand in front of Dean.

"Hi, Dean. How are you?" I asked with a smile, the smile widening when I noticed that Dean was smiling too.

"I'm doing really well. Thank you for asking." Dean replied, his eyes getting warmer as he looked at me. Dean seemed very happy today and it only made my own good mood feel stronger. He looked down at his desk and I just stood there awkwardly as he rustled through some papers. "So, I know that we had recently been talking about your interests in further studying the different species, and although you might end up learning some of these things if you continued taking classes specified with the study of the species in your future years at this school, I thought that I might as well let you learn it earlier."

I was incredibly excited but also confused as to what he was talking about specifically.

"So what does that mean then?" I asked him.

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