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I slowly turned the knob on my scope, focusing the red crosshair into the middle of my sight. I slowly rotated my sniper rifle, scanning the five-star restaurant fifteen hundred meters away. My breathing steadied as I laid my eyes upon my target. Francesco De Luca, and he was aligned perfectly within my sight. He was an unpleasant-looking man, to say the least. Overweight, silver hair, the kind of smile that makes your skin crawl. No surprise he was surrounded by escorts half his age. But what else can you expect from a De Luca?

Now the question of the day: Headshot? Or heart shot?

That was always my biggest dilemma during my missions. I contemplated my options as I tapped my finger against the trigger lightly while pursing my lips. I waited for a few moments before I sighed and settled for the head. I held my breath to focus the shot, and quickly pulled the trigger.

His head practically exploded, sending blood flying all over the women he was with as his lifeless body plopped to the floor. His security detail rushed over to him, frantically trying to grasp what just happened as a chorus of screams filled the air.

"Gotcha." I chuckled as my lips curved into a grin.

I grabbed my sniper rifle, my trusty McMillan Tac-50, and quickly began to pack it up. I dismantled my weapon in record time and dusted myself off before reaching into my pants pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. I hit the bottom of the box three times, before opening it and sliding one out. I lifted it to my mouth as I hummed Fly Me to The Moon by Frank Sinatra. A fucking classic. I slid the box back into my pocket, grabbed my rifle, and made my way downstairs.

The vantage point I picked was an abandoned warehouse about a mile away from the restaurant. Still humming, I quickly descended 5 flights of stairs while I puffed on my cigarette. Sirens screamed in the distance, and I smiled knowing that they were cleaning up the mess I made.

The vibrations of my phone snapped me back to reality. Biting my cigarette, I dug through my bag trying to find that annoying device.

"What?" I mumbled, still holding the cigarette between my teeth.

"Is he taken care of?" The cold voice asked.

"Yup." I stated, popping the p obnoxiously. I knew how much he hated that.

"Good job. We'll see you at the safehouse." My father spoke out quickly.

"Alright, see you soon." I stated before I hung up.

I took a step forward only to see a quick glimmer of an object flying towards me. Reacting quickly, I ducked as something pierced the wall behind me. I stood up before examining the wall behind me, scowling as I laid my eyes upon a very large knife sticking out of the drywall where my head was just a few moments ago.

"Well, look what we have here." A chilling, yet familiar voice called out from the shadows. He took a step forward into the light, making me clench my jaw in anger.

Still half cloaked in darkness, I saw a pair of expensive loafers and perfectly tailored Armani pants. He was wearing a white dress shirt tucked in with a few buttons undone. His sleeves were folded and pushed up, displaying his intricately designed tattoos that stretched from his hands to his neck. He was a massive man, standing at about 6'3 and made of solid muscle.

"What a pleasure running into you, Ace." I said with sarcasm dripping off every word. His name coming out of my mouth tasted like poison. I leaned back against the wall, narrowing my eyes at him as I took another drag of my cigarette.

He grinned a perfect smile at me as he stepped forward again, slowly closing the space between us.

"It'll be more pleasurable once you stop breathing." He stated evilly before he lunged towards me.

I pulled the cigarette away from my mouth before flicking it at his face, making him bring his arm up to block it. I quickly grabbed his raised arm and stepped behind him, swinging it and pressing his arm painfully behind his back. I used his momentum as well as my grip on his wrist and shoulder to shove him into the wall.

"Well, that's no way to treat a lady. Maybe your uncle can teach you some manners." I teased as I pulled his arm, twisting his shoulder and making a grunt escape his lips.

"Oh wait, that's right. He can't." I chucked wickedly as my body pressed into his. "Because I just killed him." I stated as an evil smile stretched across my lips.

Ace used his free hand to roughly push off the wall, causing me to momentarily lose balance. He quickly grabbed the handle of the knife sticking out of the wall while I regained my footing. In one fluid motion, he pulled the blade out of the wall and turned his body, swinging the blade towards my body.

I quickly stepped backward, narrowly escaping the large dagger. I had to give it to him, he was one fast fucker. He quickly threw a jab at me, making me take a step and turn in order to prevent the blade from piercing my abdomen. I dodged a bit too late, causing the knife to graze my arm.

He threw a left hook with his free hand and I grunted as his knuckles connected with my cheekbone, the impact causing me to fall to the floor. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he jumped on top of me and straddled me.

Ace gripped my neck within his large hand and started increasing the pressure, cutting off my air. He raised the knife in his other hand, twirling the blade between his fingers as he looked down at me smiling.

"Aww come on, Grey. I thought you'd put up more of a fight." He smirked, tracing my face lightly with the tip of his knife.

"Fu..ck Y-you." I managed to breathe out as I bucked my hips forward with all my strength, causing him to lose his balance and tumble over.

I hit his wrist, causing it to buckle before I skillfully took the knife from him. I swung my leg over him, straddling him as I placed the knife to his neck.

"If you wanted to ride me all you had to do was ask." Ace said, smirking as he stared up at me.

"Get over yourself." I said coldly as my eyes narrowed.

I increased the pressure on his neck, making a small drop of blood begin to drip down his Adam's apple. Even in the face of death, his demeanor didn't change. He held onto that fearless expression as he looked me in the eyes.

Just as I was about to slit his throat, I was caught off guard by the sudden sound of sirens blaring outside the warehouse.

"Come out with your hands up!" A cop yelled through the speaker, making me look towards the nearest window. I saw the faint glow of red and blue lights light up the black sky, and I clenched my jaw in frustration.

I looked down at Ace to see his eyebrow raise in amusement.

"It wouldn't look too good for you to come out covered in my blood, now would it, darling?" He said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

I slowly raised myself off of him, with the knife still pointed towards his neck, before I stood up and began stepping away from him.

He gracefully stood up and started backing away, chuckling to himself as he stared at me.

"Next time, you won't be so lucky." I said with the knife still raised in his direction.

"Until next time, Miss Grey." He smirked before he disappeared into the darkness.

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