Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: The Council Has Spoken

I let out a long, relieved sigh as I exited the classroom. I had finished the last class of the day and was so glad to be done. The day seemed to drag on, similarly to the last few.

Every day since I had stopped talking to my mystery man and Dean, they are the same person so I guess that I don’t have to categorize them differently, the days seemed to slow down.

In a bad way.

I hated to admit it to myself, but I missed him. Not only as the guy that I was falling hard for and as the eye candy in class, but I also missed him as a mentor and friend. And great conversationalist as both Dean and mystery man. I missed him, a lot.

But my feeling of missing him didn’t overrule the rest of me. And the rest of me was all in agreement.

I used my magic to quickly summon my phone and when it materialized in my hand, I opened it and saw that I had a couple of text messages.

There were some from my mother and father and I made a mental note to get back to them soon, but the most recent where some texts from my friends in our group chat.

A lot was said, but the general gist of them was that we would all meet outside after class and work on any homework while talking.

I looked up from where I stood and briefly took in my surroundings.

Well, I had just finished class and could summon any materials I needed for homework to me.

With those facts laid out, I decided to start making my way outside.


When I got outside, only Nick and Thulani were there. Everyone else hadn’t made it yet. The two were talking casually as they worked on their assignments and I smiled at how peaceful they appeared to be.

I silently sat down next to Thulani and after they said a few words of greeting, they continued on with their work and conversation.

A few minutes passed by and there was still no sign of the others. Nick, noticing this fact, lowered his voice and turned to Thulani.

“Now, that Sebastian is here and Dipi isn’t, we can talk about your situation.” Nick said lowly. Lani seemed to pale slightly and my expression turned into one of confusion.

“What situation?” I asked, looking back and forth between Lani and Nick. “Lani?”

Thulani sighed before biting his bottom lip and turning to me.

“Do you remember when you came at the beginning of the year and told me and Harvey about the fact that you and Dipika were siblings?” Thulani asked softly. I nodded my head and mumbled a quiet, “yeah”. “And how you mentioned that if Dipi were to date one of us, it would be me?”

My confusion slowly started to turn into understanding as I looked at my friend with wide eyes.

“At first, I was more flattered because she was pretty and I didn’t have any real feelings. But, over time it started to get into my head and I started to wonder and then I began to see her more and talk to her more and . . .” Thulani trailed off during his ramble and sighed. “Sebastian, I’ve fallen for your sister.”

I blinked stupidly at him for a moment. My silence seemed to unnerve him and he began to fidget.

“Uh, Sebastia-” My scream immediately cut him off from his words. I jumped from my place on the ground and fell onto Lani who let out a groan of pain. I would’ve felt bad, but I was far too excited.

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