Wattpad Original
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Author's Note

98.7K 1K 161

Hello lovely reader,

I'm very happy to share some wonderful news with you: I've been invited into the Wattpad Paid Stories program.  This means I'll have the opportunity to be supported financially by people like you who decide they want to help me out by using coins to unlock the entirety of Sex and Death in Skeleton City.

I understand that not everyone will be in a position to purchase coins or show their support in this way,  and that's okay. There will always be millions of books to read for free on Wattpad, and you will still be able to read several chapters of Sex and Death in Skeleton City for free.

What I find really exciting about this program isn't just the possibility of earning  money through writing (although that would be great, we all gotta eat right). The truly interesting part is that this is a completely new system of supporting writers that has the possibility of changing the world for creatives and for those of us who benefit from creative production (i.e. everyone).

The small investment you make when you unlock a book can make a huge difference for the person who poured their blood, sweat and tears into writing it. This in turn will motivate more of us to improve our writing,  attract new talent to the site and lead to the production of fantastic new work for all of us to read and enjoy.

As a reader as well as a writer I'm so pleased that Wattpad now offers me the opportunity to connect even more deeply with my favourite writers by supporting their writing and putting food on their table. We get to be there as new work is created, and can make a difference in bringing tomorrow's bestsellers into the world.

Sex and Death in Skeleton CityWhere stories live. Discover now