FIFA 20 Driven finishes Tips

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EA Sports introduced a new mechanic behind shooting last year on FIFA 19 and have changed it slightly, for FIFA 20. Here is how you can use it to help you score more goals.

Firstly, let's talk about how you perform the driven finish. You'll need to hold L1+R1/LB/RB (unless you changed to our controls) before your player strikes the ball, then you'll hit a low shot that stays close to the ground.The closer to the goal you are the less power you need to put on the shot, however, you can rifle the ball home, even from close range. Anything from 30 yards + is going to be speculative. Use the below, as a guide for how much power you need to apply from certain distances.1. 6-8 yards = 1 bar of energy (very quick double-tap);2. 8-15 yards = 2 bars of power, then the tap;3. 15-22 yards = 2 and a half bars of power, then the valve;4. 22-30 yards = 3 bars+ of power, then the lid.Just use these as a rough guide for how much power you'll need to apply actually to test the GK. If you want to hit the ball hard at goal, then you can use more energy and less for a tap along the ground.At the time of writing this, the across the body shot is working exceptionally effectively, and the near post isn't as useful as it has been in previous years, see our website to keep an eye on this and U4GM FIFA 20 Coins Team Will provide ongoing updates throughout the year.If you're on a natural angle, you don't need to worry about aiming the left stick, but if you don't have the natural corner, then please make sure you see our diagrams to help get you firing the ball across the GK. Make sure you're prepared to react as, if the GK does make the save, the ball often rebounds back into play where you can often pick up a simple tap in if you react quickly enough.TIP – In and around the area, you won't get as much time to power up the shot and then tap. Therefore, U4GM FIFA Team recommends that you only try to use the driven shooting where you have time and space; otherwise, your player will run the risk of having their shot blocked by the defenders.So, there you have a variety of ways in which a goal in FIFA can be scored when you have a one v one chance. Some are easier to pull off than others but practicing all these types of finishes will see you scoring more goals on FIFA 18 and improve your attacking skills by a long way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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