Chapter 51

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(A/N: Brace yourself for an extremely long Chapter)

Chapter 51: A Goodbye

Sebastian's body turned over, his back flopping against the fitted sheets. The warm blanket began to fall off of his body. His hand touched the mattress beside him. The space was empty, the sheet was cold. His body sprung up, a rushed gasp escaping his lips. His feet started to flip through the blankets, rushing to get out. He had to move. Where was Dean?

Sebastian paused when his eyes moved to see his boyfriend bent over his largest suitcase, staring back at him with wide eyes.

"Uh . . . I'm sorry I woke you?" Dean chuckled awkwardly, unsure how to act after Sebastian's odd behaviour. "I thought you should get a bit more rest while I worked on packing up the last of my clothes."

Sebastian didn't say a thing in response. He walked out of bed, ignoring the slight hungry eyes Dean had at the sight of his naked body, and pulled Dean into a hug. Dean had barely any hesitation before hugging Sebastian back. They held each other tightly and silently, taking in the other's warmth. Sebastian sucked in a long breath before he decided to finally whisper.

"I'm going to miss you."

Dean was glad his head was on the other side of Sebastian's shoulder. A tear fell from his eye. It crushed him to hear the sadness in his mate's voice. Already he wished he was coming back. He hadn't even left yet and already he was missing Sebastian. Intense burning in his eye was followed by tear sliding down his cheek.

Sebastian heard the slight sniffling but didn't comment, instead hugging the blond man closer to his body. Though he didn't say anything about it, his presence and warmth should be enough.

When the two pulled away, Dean's eyes were dry. Sebastian smiled softly at the sight and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

"Come on, let's get you packed up." Sebastian told him, turning towards one of the suitcases and eagerly grabbing the plastic-wrapped toothbrush. Sebastian smiled happily as he felt around the suitcase, looking for a suitable pocket to place it.

Dean moved slowly, taking the toothbrush away from Sebastian with a wry smile. Sebastian looked up at Dean, confused as to why he was stopped, only to find Dean holding back laughter.

"Maybe after we get you dressed." Sebastian actually had to look down at his naked body before a flush erupted across his body, realization dawning on him. Dean was quite pleased to see every inch of skin that shifted in tone even as Sebastian got up and raced towards the bathroom.

Dean waited a good fifteen seconds before finally yelling out to Sebastian, "Your clothes aren't in the bathroom, babe!"

A frantic body rushed out, scampering in haste around the room. Dean was still snickering to himself when he said. "The closet."

"Thanks!" Sebastian scrambled for the closet, ripping open the door and grabbing the clothes before he rushed back to the bathroom.

Dean chuckled softly, turning back to his suitcase to put the toothbrush away. Dean puts away a couple of more items before he has a thought. Maybe I should pack another toothbrush for when the first one gets too old. Dean assumed that already having another one while he's away would be easier than finding a way to buy one.

And just like that, his carefree smile began to dim. The trip became a glaring reality and Dean's mood plummeted. Weeks ago he had genuinely been so excited to go. Excited to study, discover, and learn along the way. Now all he could think about was Sebastian and how he wouldn't be there.

Dean tried, with miserable results, to snap himself out of it and be positive. The only way he could cheer while thinking of this trip is to not think about Sebastian, and Sebastian was constantly on his mind. Dean's plan B is to smack on a smile when Sebastian eventually steps out of the bathroom, so he frowns to himself as he zips up his last suitcase.

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