01: "Bruce, there's some girl in the house!"

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Percy was a bright girl. She was equipped to deal with harsh and life-threatening situations. She'd handled death before, she'd almost died before, but nothing quite prepared her for the scene before her. With a gravestone etched in her mind and DNA tests in front of her, Percy was being taken to meet (and live with) one of the richest men in Gotham.

The thing about Gotham City is that despite its grimy reputation, the rich lived lavishly and without a care in the world.

A large iron fence encased the well-groomed grounds of Wayne Manor and the house stood proudly in the center. A big castle-like structure with stone blocks stood out against the gloomy sky that backlit the palace.

The social worker had informed her about Mister Wayne and his qualifications to take care of her, she listed her sons and how well he was seen in the public eye—not that the comments did much to reassure Percy of her new living situation. The woman, dressed in an ill-fitting grey pantsuit and an unintentionally messy updo, grasped at Percy's wrists to lead her up to the front door despite the glare Percy shot her way. She moved her manicured nails to knock on the front door, though it was opened before she had the chance.

An elderly man in a tailored suit opened the door with a slight bow, inviting them in. As the two women stepped in, the original vastness of the mansion was amplified by the high ceilings and grand staircase with mahogany banisters to match the floor. The butler offered to take their coats before leading them to the office where Mister Wayne was located.

"Thank you, Alfred," Bruce Wayne said before offering the two ladies a seat. "Miss Perez, I believe we spoke on the phone, and you must be Persephone."

"It's Percy, actually."

"Percy, then. Miss Perez told me a bit about you just before the two of you made your way here—thank you—" he interrupted himself to take the papers the social worker gave him. He flipped through the stack as he continued talking. "If you would like, you would be welcome to stay here. I am a certified foster parent, and your uncle apparently, so that side of things should go over fairly smoothly."

"Little Percy, is just so excited to stay here. And I am very glad to meet you, Mister Wayne, I'm a huge fan of yours," Miss Perez introduced herself eagerly, reaching to shake the man's hand, ignoring the deadpan look on Percy's face.

"Please, call me Bruce." A clearly fake smile dawned on Bruce's face at the woman's reaction. "I'm sure you're tired, Percy, if you don't mind I can have Alfred show you to your room while Miss Perez and I discuss the paperwork and such. Does that sound okay?"

Percy only gave a nod back in response. She unhooked her bag from where she'd hung it on her thigh and stood up only to see the butler already waiting by the open door. Alfred shut the door behind them and led her up a series of hallways and stairs to a tall ebony door with a copper doorknob.

"Your chambers, Miss Persephone." Before he left the room, Alfred stopped and turned back to tell something to the girl, "it may seem that nobody quite understands what you're going through, but you may come to find that we, of all people, understand best. We'd like to help if you'll let us in. Dinner will be ready by eight, please, make yourself at home."

Percy kept staring at where the butler was, he intrigued her. She turned back to face the room, where a plush bed with crisp white sheets and black covers drew attention to the center of the large room. A lavish desk set pushed up underneath one of the windows, the blinds drawn open to let in light, a small leather-bound notepad sat at the center of the desk with two high-quality pens set up beside it. Percy set her ratty backpack down on the neat bed and walked to the end of the room where two navy blue doors sat with golden detailing on them. She opened the first one to see a large, but empty, closet. The other door led to a sizeable bathroom. She turned on the lights of the room, as the sun was starting to go down before she sat on the bed and looked around the room carefully.

"Jason! Give me back my phone! I didn't mean what I said about Jane Austen—" A voice shouted from the hallway, footsteps accompanying it until they both came to a stop. Both started again, moving closer to Percy's room. "You know you're not supposed to go into the upstairs guest rooms, Jay—" The door came open, revealing a teen boy drowning in too-big Superboy pajama pants. His cracked lips fell open in a gasp as his mono-lidded icy blue eyes fell upon Percy.

The two stared each other down in awkward silence until another voice broke through the silence. "Tim, what the fuck are you yelling about..." a much burlier teen stepped into Percy's line of sight through the doorframe, a streak of white in his otherwise black curly hair. He looked at Percy for a moment before rolling his eyes, closing the door, and murmuring a 'fuck no, not today' as he left.

"Bruce, there's some girl in the house!" Came an uninterested shout from the hallways.


I do not own any Percy Jackson or Batman content.

p.s. hi. yes, I am rewriting this mess. will it be the same? no not in the slightest, sorry. n e ways, fuck you *shoves my batboys ethnicity hc down ur throats*
ily see u soon x


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