25. Venticinque

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Draping my Armani jacket on the chair, I scanned my surroundings

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Draping my Armani jacket on the chair, I scanned my surroundings. Watching the city from the office of the law firm Kirkland & Gentry on the 5th floor of a 38 storied building. There is no fun working in here when people walking below still look like humans, not ants you could crush under your boot.

"Seriously, is this where you rob your clients.?" I ask, turning back to look at Martin Gentry. His jaw hung open, perplexed to find me already inside his office on a Sunday night. The wavy hair on his expensive wig was tousled, the silver tie remained askew around his neck.

Gentry just gulped adjusting his tie in vain. As the shock subsided, fear took place in his wrinkly face. The sweat rolling down from his head was the prime example, apart from his lips moving to form a voice. A personal visit from a made man is never a good sign. He must have worked with several killers in years, but they had come here to beg him to save them.

"What do you want, Mr. Armani." He asked in his quivering voice.

"So you fucking know me." I threw my head back and laughed. "You know my ego was fucking bruised. There is this bunch of fuckers, who don't know what their boss allegedly does, apart from running a successful empire." I clutch my heart, strolling towards his desk.

"They must be pretending to be oblivious, Mr. Armani. Everyone in California knows who you are. Kirkland & Gentry would be honored to represent the Armani's." he said in his posh voice, straightening his shoulders in pride, moving to sit in his chair, kicking up to his business mode.

I cluck my tongue coming to sit in the chair in front of his big desk. "But the staff from pumpkin patch are fucking assholes." I frown, playing with the paperweight.

All the color drained from his face when I mentioned that stupid kindergarten. Gentry had been the last man to be in contact with Joe Gero, the dead man whose land has been used to built the kindergarten, and his lawyer. On a queue, Emiliano sauntered in. Not long before I heard the bleached blonde secretary's scream.

Propping my legs on the mahogany desk, I began to play throw and catch with the paperweight. Maybe I'll shove it up to his ass.

"Sorry, Gentry. Your sexcapacades with that bitch half your age have to wait..." I tilted my head to the side, looking at Emiliano. He gave me a stiff nod, that she is indeed alive. "Okay then. Do I need to tell you what would happen if you don't start speaking now.." I throw casually, not looking at him. From the corner of my eyes I saw him shaking his head.

"I know how much you charge for the consultancy. Speak up, and I will leave you to it."

"A-all I needed to do was nothing." he said, his voice not so posh now.

"Who contacted you.?"

"No one, Mr. Armani. I had... I was just talking... Telling Mr. Esposito that he can file a claim then..."

"Then.." Emiliano growled, charging towards him. Gentry flinched violently, flapping his hands like he is underwater.

"There were so many people at the party, Mr. Armani." he said hurriedly, leaping out of the chair, positioning it in front of him like a shield. Emiliano's eyes met me asking my permission to kill him. He should be if Gentry thinks he can play tag with my made man.

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