I placed him down on the ground and stood next to him. "Um..jungkook can you go," he said hesitantly. "Why?" I knew he wanted to take a bath, but I decided to tease him. "Because I want to take a bath," he said. "So? It's nothing I haven't seen before," I said with a cocky smile. "Please! I am shy," he said while pouting. I quickly kissed his pouty lips and walked out. I quickly ran to my room and looked for a button up shirt and pants. I quickly ran back to the bathroom and opened the door.

I saw tae laying down in the bathtub while applying soap onto his body. He look towards me and gasped. "You look hot," I said, he looked away avoiding my gaze. "Here are some clothes, if you need anything call me," I said closing the door. I felt something heavy in my briefs, and that's when I noticed. I'm hard. "F#ck," I said making my way over to the other bathroom.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and got in the shower. I placed my hand on my member and started to stroke it, I pressed my finger on the tip and moaned with tae's name. "Ahh f#ck tae," I said while picking up my pace, but my thoughts went deeper. I thought about tae riding me, his small cute pink hole, how it would clench and unclench around me. I started stroking myself at a faster pace moaning tae's name louder, until finally I came. I quickly washed off and got out of the shower. I mentally cursed at myself from not have bringing any clothes.

I tried to dry my hair so it wasn't damp, but still reasonably wet. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom. I saw tae sitting on sofa-playing with his fingers, I smirked. Perfect. I walked towards him and stood in front of him, then spoke in a voice much more deeper. "Hey tae have you seen my belt? I am pretty sure I left it here somewhere,"I asked trying to sound innocent. He looked up and his eyes widened. I looked back at him, he was blushing. I wanted to laugh so badly but kept it in. "N-no I h-haven't kookie," he said avoiding staring at me.

I chuckled quietly and walked over to him and spoke near his ear. "Too bad I won't be able to tie your hand together tonight," I said is a husky deep voice. He blushed and placed his hand on my bare shoulder, trying to prevent me from getting any closer. I looked down at his chest and noticed that the first few buttons of his shirt where unbuttoned, revealing his collarbone and milky skin. I felt my mouth begin to water.

I leaned down and started to gently kiss his collarbone, he flinched and his grip on my shoulder tightened. "K-kookie," he said stuttering. I said nothing and continued to lightly kiss his collarbone, then I went all in. I pushed tae on the sofa and started aggressively leaving open mouth kisses, making hickies. He moaned and threw his back in pleasure as I kept on devouring his neck. I started to pinch and toy with his nipples, I leaned down and started to suck his nipple. " K-kookie s-stop we have to-ahh g-go some where r-remember."

I groaned in frustration and came up and looked into tae's eyes. He was blushing and panting heavily. My hand lingered over the marks that I had created and I smirked. "Mine," I whispered possessively into his ear. I got off him and started walking towards my room, while smirking. I looked over my shoulder and saw tae still laying down, smiling and blushing. I chuckled slowly and made my way up the stairs.

Time skip....


Me and kookie are now in the car driving, I had a turtle neck on to cover my hickies. Kookie hasn't exactly told me where were going but I'm excited. Even though many guys asked me out on dates I always declined. And I am happy I did. We stopped all of a sudden, I looked over towards kookie who was looking back at me. He grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on it, I blushed and looked away.

"So let's go in, shall we," he said with a cocky smile while getting out. I chuckled and got out too. He linked our arms together and I giggled at his cuteness. "The movies!" I said excitedly, I had never been to the movies before, I was ecstatic. I started jumping up and down like a little kid. "You remembered," I said while smiling. He chuckled and quickly pecked my lips and caressed my cheek, his fingers felt so warm on my skin, a fuzzy feeling had began to arise in my stomach.

"Of course I remember," he said thinking back. "We were like, I think 14 or 15, when you confessed that you had never been to the movies," he said looking down at me, I smiled shyly. "I remember I was so shocked," he said smiling, "I remember your reaction, I was on the ground laughing until my stomach hurt." We both giggled sharing a sweet moment before walking in.

"So which movie?" He said while looking through. "I don't mind to be honest," I said smiling while holding his hand closer to my body. "What about 50 shades of grey?" He said while looking over at me while smirking, why was he smirking? "Um...sure why not," I said smiling innocently. We both got our tickets and snacks and made our way in.

"Why isn't anyone else here?" I asked curiously. "Because I rented the whole theatre so we could be alone," he said while smirking. He looked really happy. "So when it starting?"I asked digging my hand into the popcorn and stuffing it in my mouth. "You want it to start," he said looking over at me, I nodded my head. He proceeded to clap and everything when's dark. A loud thud and the movie began.

(Smut warning)

The movie was really kinky, it made me feel horny. It didn't help that jungkook had his hand on my thigh and was casually slapping and squishing it. I decided to eat to take my mind off it when I felt a finger on my member. I gasped and looked towards jungkook, who was still watching the movie. "J-jungkook your h-hand," I said stuttering in the process. He looked at me and smirked. He reached over and lifted up the arm resting and pushed me down.

He got on top of me and and leaned down and started kissing my sweet spot. "Ahh-jungkook n-not here," I said while he continued to mark my neck moving down to my chest. "You can't stop me now baby boy," he said taking off my shirt. One of his hands automatically wrapped around nipple while the other one had a tight grip on my waist. He leaned down and bit my nipple, making me arch my back and let out a whiny moan. He started to kiss down my chest toward my pants. I was panting heavily, as he continued to kiss and treasure me.

He got to my pants and unbuckled them, sliding them off as well as my boxers. He spread open my leg and started kissing my inner thigh making his way closer to my hole. I continued to arch my back in his grip while he continued, effortlessly holding me in place. "Too bad we don't have lube. We're going to have to do thing the hard way. I didn't understand what he meant until I felt something inside my hole. Warm and wet. "N-no Kookie I-it's dirty dow-ahh there," I barely managed to say.

He pulled away and pushed two fingers in making me grip the side of the seat. "Ahh p-please," I said begging him. He came up to me, fingering me as he did so. "Please what babyboy, tell daddy what you want," he said in my ear, biting it after. "P-please f-f-f#ck me," I managed to mumble out. "I couldn't really hear you. Come on use that pretty mouth of yours would you," he said fingering me deeper. "PLEASE F#CK ME DADDY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He took his fingers out and I whined.

I looked back at him he looked pleased with my answer and started stripping himself. "Hot," I said said under my breath, I heard him let out a breathy chuckle. After he was fully naked, he came and climbed on top of me. He opened my legs and positioned himself at my entrance before slamming in making me scream and dig my nails into his skin. Tears started to stream down my face, he stopped for a minute or two letting me adjust before slamming his hips into mine.

He started thrusting at a fast pace while my heart started pounding in my chest, my breath hitched and I started to shake when he hit my prostate deep on. "JUNGKO-AHHH R-RIGHT THERE!" I said screaming as tears brimming my eyes. "F#ck tae! So tight and warm. Only for me," he said thrusting faster hitting the same spot. "O-ONLY F-FOR YOU!" I said scratching his back. His hand went down until he found my member and started to stroking it at a fast pace.

My eyes rolled back and my mouth hung open. He pressed his finger on the tip and I immediately came with a loud moan clenching around him a bit too hard. He thrusted in me a few more times before releasing in me. He pulled out and I started to pant heavily, he cleaned me up, dressed me then picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car.

I don't know when but I ended up falling asleep, and when I woke up I found me and jungkook laying in bed together with me on his bare chest. I smiled and whispered a soft "I love you" and kissed his cheek and went back to sleep....


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