The Christmas Miracle

Start from the beginning

"Will, calm down. It's alright," Nico soothes as he gets up from the sofa too, and he's way too relaxed for Will's liking – but then again, Will doubts that Hades is also going to castrate his own son.

Hades' chuckle is the most menacing sound he's ever had the misery of hearing. "Yes Will, by all means. Calm down."

Will doesn't whimper, but it's a very near thing. "I am really trying my best, sir."

Sir? Nico mouths to himself with repugnance before he glares at his dad. "Stop it, you're breaking him."

"If he can be broken this easily, then I'm afraid I question this particular choice of yours, Nico."

Terror strikes him right in his heart, like one of the icicles hanging off the window has jammed its way into his chest. He has no doubt that his blood pressure has now exceeded bodily limits. "Please don't make me break-up with him..." Will mewls weakly.

Nico rolls his eyes, ignoring Will. "Don't be an ass."

Hades sighs solemnly, something akin to mischief flickering in his eyes. "Yes. You're right, Nico. I don't want to get too cocky now, do I?"

The way Nico's skin flushes so quickly would be both endearing and comical if Will's soul weren't currently in the midst of leaving his body.

"I-," his boyfriend starts, stammering wildly before he takes a deep breath and grits out, "I'm going to go get started on the hot chocolate."

Will's last two firing brain cells thankfully know an escape when they see it, and he promptly follows Nico and beelines straight out the door before—

"Will, a word please."

He's caught mid-step, and the door that is only one more short stride away mocks him – and though the door itself technically can't speak, Will hears its woody laughter reverberating against the walls of his thick skull.

"I'm sorry," Will blurts out as soon as he turns to face him, damn near ready to start begging on his knees – dignity is a privilege he just lost a couple mortifying minutes ago. "I'm sorry, I swear I'll never touch your son again just please don't take him away from me I will—"

When Hades' large hand comes towards him, it's not to strangle him but instead lands on his shoulder. It squeezes, and it doesn't even hurt.

"Listen, Will," he says as if he hasn't had his rapt attention from the very start of this mess. "I like you, you're a good man."

Will blinks, unsure whether he had just heard that correctly. "I— I am?"

The older man grins down at him, and it actually goes miles to soothe the shrieking coward within him to a gentle murmur. "You are. One of the best. You must know Nico doesn't think highly of many people, but he does of you – and I trust my son's judgement better than anyone's."

"He is, erm— a very good judge of character, sir."

Several tonnes of heavy rocks lift from his shoulders when Hades merely chuckles at his inability to form a sentence. "I agree."

"You may be a right mess," he smiles. "But you are neither Jackson nor Grace, so automatically I've taken a very strong liking to you."

"Thank you, sir," it's not the biggest win in the world, but he'll sure as hell take it over nothing.

Hades booms a laugh. "And I like that you're afraid of me, but there is no need to sir me, son. Call me Hades—"

"—I'll probably never not be afraid of you..."

"—And you clearly make my son very happy, so there's nothing about you that I oppose."

Hades smiles down at him – an unmistakeably fond, warm smile that Will doesn't deserve to be on the receiving end of but still makes his insides turn to goo because, did he really just gain the approval of Nico's dad? After making out with his son on his couch and making terrible puns?

It truly must be a Christmas miracle.

Extending his arm out for a handshake seems like a fitting thing to do, now that his brain has finally come online. Hades grips it heartily, and Will can't help a delighted grin of his own.

But then Hades' pulls gruffly against his hand, and brings him close enough to force Will to stare into dark, steely, mirthless eyes.

"But I'll tell you this once, William," Hades warns with a deadly edge to his voice, stripped completely of all its previous exuberance. "You hurt him, and I'll end you myself."

Hades is the best dad fight me

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