Chapter 4-Lighting the Fire

Start from the beginning

Sara gives the assassin a skeptical look before she puts away her Axe.

Assassin:"Good. Now, Yuki Walkers was once a high-ranking member in out clan, and before her death, she was last seen with, Raven Branwen."

Sara:"So, Raven does know something about how my Aunt died. She also said your clan and their tribe used to be..  connected?"

Assassin:"Correct. However, our clan have cut ties with the Brawen tribe a few days after Yuki died."


Assassin:"After her death, we we're determined to find the cause or any information that may link to her death. We got in to one of their camps and found out Raven was not the reason she died."

Sara:"How did my Aunt died then?"

Assassin:"It is still unclear. But that doesn't mean we still trust her. And nither should you sister Sara."

Sara:"What did you call me."

Assassin:"Your blood carries the legacy of your ancestors that become the members  of our clan. It is only natural for us to call you sister. Leave Raven band her tribe, join us. Where you belong."

Sara:"Tempting, but no. I still have a mission of my own, and this is my only chance in completing it. Try to stop me, and I won't hesitate to fight back."

The assassin bows his head in shame.

Assassin:"If you wish, Sara. We will still continue our skirmish with the Raven Tribe. I only hope we don't have to cross paths when that day comes."

Before Sara starts to walk away, the assassin calls her back.

Assassin:"A warning; be wary of the one that calls the power of the thundering skies that guards the Brawen Tribe. I bid you farewell, Sister Sara."

With that, the assassin walks away. Sara watches as the assassin leaves, but when she blinked he was gone. Sara only shakes her head as she walks back. On her way back, she hears a fight nearby and investigate.
Just a couple of meters away from the camp. Silver wakes up from his short slumber.

Silver:"Still have to find Weiss."

Be grabs his things and continue his way towards the camp. On his way, he hears a fight going on. He investigate and sees Yang fighting bandits.

While Yang was busy fighting the bandits, she doesn't notice another  one storming up behind her. Before she could even react, she hears a gunfire and the next thing she knew, a straight, single-edged Katana-like flies over her head and huts the bandit directly in the head. Yang then sees someone in a dark coat dashing forward, catching the sword mid-air before giving the bandit a series of kicks as he sheathed his Odachi.

In an instant Yang begins to panic at the sound of the Katana-like being sheathed, as she becomes reminded of Adam. Ber eyes immediately become red and attacks. Silver is surprised at her sudden outburst and barely out matches her. But do to Yang's reckless fighting style, he manages to pin her down with his foot on her stomach and with his Odachi on her throat.

Yang, upon seeing the person clearly, wearing an outfit completely different from Adam, starts to calm down, her eyes returning back to normal. After noticing her calming down, Silver gets off of Yang and sheathed his weapon back.

Silver:"Have you calmed yourself down?"

She cautiously steps back from him, while holding her trembling left arm.

Yang:"I'm... Fine. Who are you?"

Silver:"My name matters not. I'm only searching for someone, a friend. I was supposed to protect, and I my need your help."

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