Everyone glances over at Owen and Madi shrieks.

"NOOO!! Eww. NEVER." She gags.

"Damn" Owen laughs.

You all continue with the small talk until Kenny clears his throat loudly.

"Hey guys! I know the past week has been a challenge. We will slow down now that we are back on schedule, and our lead dancer is back! Have a great weekend! You guys are free to go!" He announces and everyone celebrates.

You and Sidney head back to the hotel after saying your goodbyes to the group.

You are really jumpy today. You try to hide it but Sidney can probably tell. You hope she doesn't think it has anything to do with her. Even though it does.

Tonight's the night. You're going to propose tonight. You don't have her fathers permission, but you don't need it. You would marry Sidney even if your whole family hated her.

Sidney POV:

"Sooooo.... What do you wanna do?" Charlie glances over at you from the couch.

"I don't know" You sigh.

"Wellllll" He drags out, as he gets up to join you by the kitchen counter.

"Whats your idea?" You smile and bite your lip.

"We haven't went out for dinner in a long time." Jw smiles and grabs your hand.

"Okay, i'll go get dressed" You roll your eyes and head to the bedroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Charlie yells and you just nod your head.

You get ready and wait for Charlie. What's taking him so long? You wonder as you get up from the stool.

You walk into the bedroom and see him looking out the window.

You wrap your arms around him from behind and he jumps a little bit. He fumbles around and slips something into his pocket before you can tell what it is.

"Char, what's up with you? You've been jumpy all day." You say as you step back.

"Nothing Flower" He smiles down at you.

You narrow your eyes and he reassures you.

"Sid, I promise"

"Okayyyyyy" You drag out as he starts walking towards the door.


You go to a different restaurant than before. This one is nicer and has less people.

A lot less people. Like none.

"Charlie... why is no one else here?" You bite your lip as he leads you to a table in the middle of the restaurant.

"Oh, that's because I bought it for the night!" He grins at you.

You gasp. "Char, that probably cost so much money. why?" You whisper as the servers start to look over at you.

"Because you deserve the best, my flower" He grins as you sit down in the chair across from him.

You blush while Charlie admires you.

The server comes over and takes your orders.

The food comes pretty fast. You start to wonder why before you remember that the restaurant is empty.

You scan around the restaurant. It's so pretty. It has fairy lights hung up around the ceiling, and silver beads hung around the ceiling. Charlie must've known that you would love it.

You glance back over to Charlie and see him kneeling on the floor.

"What are you-" You start before Charlie places a finger to your lips to shush you.

"Sidney Grace Mcallister, I have known you for almost 8 years. I wish I was dating you for all of the 8 years i've known you, but i'm not that lucky. I want to spend the rest of my life knowing you. You would think that you wouldn't be able to surprise me everyday even after i've known you for so long, but you manage to show me something I didn't know. So with that, Flower will you marry me?" He blurts out.

Your eyes tear up and you barely manage to squeak out a tiny "yes" before you break out into tears.

Charlie jumps up to his feet and slides the ring onto your finger.

He wraps his arms around your side and picks you up and spins you around.

"I love you" You whisper when he puts you back down.

"I love you my flower" He replies, tilting your chin up and leaning his head down towards yours.

He kisses you, long and soft. You breathe out once his lips leave yours and he smiles.

"Let's go home" He pulls your hand towards the exit of the restaurant.

You glance down at the ring while you walk to the car. It looks familiar. You try to remember where you've seen this ring before when it suddenly hits you.

This was the ring you pointed out to Charlie in senior year. He went back and bought it.

"Charlie, the ring" You breathlessly say as he opens the door for you.

"Do you like it?" He asks with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are you kidding?? I absolutely love it! I can't believe you got this one even though we were just seniors!" You squeal.

"I knew you were the person I wanted to marry in senior year" He shrugs and you grin.

The car ride home is filled with talking about high school memories.

When you get back to the hotel, both of you are tired.

You both get ready for bed and cuddle into the sheets.

"I'm so happy you said yes" Charlie mumbles.

"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you" You reply.

Charlie wraps his arms around your hips and you quickly drift off to sleep.

AN// Hi guyss!!!


anyways if you guys want you can follow my tiktok and see what i look like lol.

my user is keegaann


Meant to be? - A Charlie Gillespie fanfic Where stories live. Discover now