taylor: wait are we all getting letters ?

geoff: most of y'all are. duncan & mocha can share one letter since they're about to be bonded together for life 🤠

courtney: i hate it when you put it like that

duncan: who wouldn't wanna be bonded with me for life

duncan: nobody answer that

scott: good cuz you were about to get embarrassed

zoey: y'all this groupchat won't be the same without geoff

cody: ^ him and sierra have been the ones keeping it alive

dj: are y'all saying we should end it?

trent: honestly we kinda should yk? this show is really caused a lot of trauma for us & it's kinda weird that we're holding onto the memories

heather: it's also kinda cool. everytime i'd go on one of my fanpages they'd always say i had the best "development" & it makes me feel good about myself

noah took a screenshot!

noah: it's one of the only sentimental things you've ever said & i won't let you live it down

heather: fuck you

geoff: so are we ending the chat or what-

bridgette: i'll miss you guys :(

courtney: we can still text each other by number-

leshawna: LMAOO you right. besides we're grown & we have stuff to do

alejandro: damn i guess i'll miss y'all

gwen: no seriously. y'all do realize that we don't live that far from each other right? & half of yall hang out with each other like every week i think we'll be fine without the groupchat

cody: this chat was my only source of fun & happiness for a while

noah: yeah but we're together now so stfu

sierra: you guys want me to end the chat ? okay


geoff: im gonna miss y'all

duncan: can you PLEASE shut up im driving to your house right now

courtney: 😔 this is actually making me sad

cody: wait what should be the last thing we say in here

alejandro: make it thoughtful

heather: bitch this is not a sitcom ending. say something like "duncan's a bitch"

scott: i like that one

duncan: all you do is come in here to slander me

scott: so ?

duncan: fan behavior 😌

trent: & who should say the last thing

courtney: geoff since he's abandoning us

geoff: it's only for 2 & a half months 😔

dj: "only"

gwen: can we please be serious for once in this chat

taylor: girl no

taylor: geoff say what you're gonna say

sierra: & make it count

brody: i think y'all are scaring him

sierra: im gonna end it if y'all don't hurry up

alejandro: not YOU of all people rushing us

geoff: okay okay

geoff: i love y'all a lot & i genuinely wish the best for all of y'all 🤠stay safe dudes

geoff: also duncan's a bitch 😁

sierra has ended the chat.


it's over y'all 😭. i've been writing chapters in this book since 2018 so i think it's time to let it go lmao. but this is probably my favorite book that i've even written, and if you were here the entire time that i've been writing it you're cool asf 🤠. anyways thanks for reading ,, byeeeee !

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