Kurapika laughed softly. "Leave it to you to make a big deal about a late birthday present."

   "Just open it."

   Kurapika seemed to silently question his demeanor with furrowed brows and Leorio could only sigh.

   "Please, Kurapika."

   He nodded, hesitantly, and the sound of the metal clasps being clicked undone echoed through the room. It was foreboding, or eerie. Leorio even suppressed a shudder as he felt his stomach sink and his frayed nerves flourish in the tense atmosphere he created. The case was pushed open to reveal two clear glass canisters, the contents of said canisters obvious to anyone who knew Kurapika or the story of the Kurta.

   They were just as piercing and enchanting as the rumors had described, but the two were all but mesmerized by them. If anything the two were drenched in a mutual feeling of disgust. Kurapika seemed unmoved by the gift and Leorio was quick to apologize, his arms flailing animatedly as he stumbled over an explanation.

   "Look, I— I know I might be overstepping boundaries, but I also know how important this is to you. I just..." he trailed off as Kurapika delicately brushed a few strands of hair from his face with shaking hands, tucking it behind his ear as tears fell from his eyes. He sucked his lip in between his teeth and bit it as he tried to blink away his tears while setting the case down on the floor next to his feet. His fingers softly intertwined with themselves in his lap while his cheeks and nose grew red in irritation. He looked up at Leorio, his eyes changed from his normal monotonous grey to a ruby red as he cried.

   "I'm so sorry."

   "Why..." he slumped forward a bit cartoonishly, squinting at Kurapika's petite figure. "Why are you sorry, I'm the one that made you cry?" He slowly sat down next to Kurapika on the couch, leaning over to rub his back sympathetically.

   "I've been so terrible to you lately and yet you present me with this, how did you even get these?" His shoulders trembled as he sniffled quietly.

   "I don't wanna talk about it. Anyways, you're not terrible Kurapika."

   "No I am, I'm letting my disappointment towards myself control how I treat you." He whimpered softly, balling the bottom of his shirt up in one hand and wiping away tears with the other.

   Kurapika smiled at the nickname and sighed. "I was fired from my job as the Nostrades bodyguard, my inability to protect Neon... I messed up and now I'm paying for it. I'm in-between jobs, I don't know where to go or what to do, I'm practically homeless, and because of all of that I've been ignoring you. You and Gon, and Killua. I'm a terrible friend, aren't I?"

   "No, no, of course not, Kurapika. You're just working through a rough patch right now, you need some time to yourself." He consoled him. "Although the occasional text back wouldn't hurt."

   "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle a hiccup as he continued to cry. It had been so long since he just sat and let it out, but he felt safe here as Leorio scooted close. He wrapped his arms around Kurapika, he wanted to pull him close and press a kiss to his temple while whispering sweet nothings into his ear but he couldn't. It wasn't the right place or time, so he settled for something softer. Something more platonic. His limbs barely grazed Kurapika's but he was content as despite the lack of physical contact his affection still seemed to work its magic.

   Kurapika very quickly calmed down, the hand previously clamped down over his mouth was now hooked under Leorio's arm and rested on his upper back. He leaned into his chest and exhaled sharply.

   "That's it Pika, let it out."


   "No, don't apologize, everything's okay."

   Kurapika's audible breaths grew less and less shaky as they sat there in each other's embrace. "Thank you, Leorio."

   "No problem, Kurapika."

   They sat there in a comfortable silence for minutes. Neither making a move to pull away or even adjust their position much, but in the midst of their affections they did pull each other closer. Kurapika was now practically sitting in his lap. Platonically, of course, he was wearing socks. Limbs intertwined and fingers played with the hem of clothing as the hum of the air conditioner lulled Leorio into a calm state of mind, while Leorio's breathing lulled Kurapika.

   After about thirty minutes Leorio, although disappointed, pulled himself away to look at Kurapika. A soft smile adorning his face as he stared down at the flustered blond.

   "C'mon Pika, let's go home."

   "I... what?" Kurapika looked flabbergasted as Leorio stood from the couch.

   "You said you were practically homeless. I can't say, 'see you later," knowing that you don't have somewhere safe to stay."

   Kurapika couldn't help but feel guilty. First the present and now a roof over his head. "I would only burden you, Leorio. Like I said I'm in between jobs, I can't pay you—"

   "I'm not looking to be paid, I'm just looking to help."

   Kurapika swallowed, Leorio's skewed empathy and generosity was always a giant turn on. "I'm not good at accepting handouts."

   "Well... what if I told you that you can't not accept it?"

   Kurapika stifled a giggle and clasped the case next to him shut. His face was still tinted an irritated red but it was distaturating by the minute. "Then I suppose I'd have to accept." He stood as Leorio grabbed his suit jacket and escorted him to the door with a hand on the small of his back.

   As they idled in the hallway, Leorio double checking he had everything including the room key to return to the front desk lady, Kurapika softly tugged on the hem of his sleeve. It broke his focus and he instinctively bent down, being a pediatrician will do that to you, and flushed a cherry red when Kurapika pressed his lips to his cheek.

   "Thank you, Leorio. For everything."

   "Nnnn— no problem, Pika." He laughed awkwardly, his brain malfunctioning as Kurapika's hand delicately trailed down his wrist to intertwine his fingers with Leorio's. "Alright." He swallowed and inhaled sharply. "Now let's go home."

   "Yes, let's."

The many ways I love you [Leopika Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now