?: you are so selfish millions are dying cause of this pandemic

T: and I feel bad I really do but wearing a mask in my car won't help anyone maybe if my friend was in here I'd wear one but she's not so fuck off

She scoffed I rolled up my windows and drove off

T: (mumbles under breath) Karen's

They suck

Another one shot cause I'm bored

Tomikas POV

I was waiting for my boyfriend Freddy he was currently at the gym I went inside I see him lifting weights I smiled he looked so cute

?: hey excuse me can you stop lifting weights when you put them down it makes a really annoying sound

F: uh sorry

?; you should be that's very rude

F: it's a public gym

?: and I pay to workout here not get annoyed

F: everyone pays to work out here and I don't pay to get annoyed by a middle age lady with no life

I held back a laugh he turned and saw me he smiled

?: get out while you still can honey you don't want this piece of shit

T: I'm sorry what

F; it's a public gym for the last time I can lift these weights if I want to


She said her face turning red


I immediately ran over to Freddy the manager came over and kicked her out

Another one

Babes POV

I was with my boyfriend Hudson we were with Zamika if your wondering we all just turned 18

T: ok 18 what first

Z: you told me you would do "it" with me when we were 18

T: aww dammit

We laughed she kissed him

T; fine but you better be good

H: babe?

B: your getting us food first

Z&H: deal

We smiled they took us on their motorcycle to Burger King and we ate

B: ok where we doing this?

H: Zack's summer house

T: ooh yay I like that place

B: we'll do it for 2 minutes and then go in the pool

Z&H: seriously

T: fine longer, but I'm raiding the fridge

They looked at us trying not to laugh and we left we got on the motorcycles and they drove off after a half hour we were almost there we were out of town at this point and on the road, someone throws something and we almost crash we go to the side of the road and turn and see a middle aged lady

?: that is unacceptable


?: you can't ride your motorcycle here

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