- "Gray, come here and join us."

- " Hell no. What do you think I am? A kid to play stupid games?" He murmured.

- " No. you're a teenage boy. So you should play with us." Erza retorted mockingly. He glared at Erza. "I'm not a 'teenage boy'" He scoffed quoting it. I chuckled.

- " You're nineteen, of course you're a teenager Gray. Now, come and sit in the cerc—" As Gray shook his head and was about to make his way inside, Erza stopped him. "Are you disobeying me Gray Fullbuster?" Her eyes flashed with anger as she glared at him. We tensed and gave looks at Gray, those looks meant « shut the fuck up and come here before she does something ». He was visibly tensed as well and reluctant but Natsu got up in a second and dragged him to the spot, shoving him to the ground, ignoring his insults.

I stiffed a chuckle when he crossed his arms and glared at his friends, while Erza ignored his glares and took the pot with a smile, almost a smirk. I suddenly felt like it's a bad idea. What the hell does she have in mind?

I picked up a stick when it's my turn and looked at it subtly, number 5. Then I looked at the clic to know who's the guild master.

- " Yess! I'm the guild master!" My red haired friend said in enthusiasm as she showed us her stick. Others sighed almost defeatedly in response. Natsu and Cana were the only eager ones, for Natsu it's natural and it'd be the alcohol for Cana. She's smashed yet continued to drink.

- " Pss." I leaned to my left where sat Levy. "Why're you all tensed that she's the guild master? It isn't that horrible—"

- " Are you kidding me? Erza would make you run in the streets stripped naked if she wants to!" My eyes widened a bit. "But it's a game...she won't do—" Levy gave me a pointed look making me think about my own words. Would she? I thought in my mind as I caught the dangerous glint in her eyes. Oh damn, let's just hope she doesn't tell 5. Not 5.

- " Number 5!" Shit. All my hopes crushed down in a second as she uttered her next words. " Tell number 7, five of his/her body parts you find hot—" I almost sighed relaxed, all I've to do it's to tell a friend five of their body parts that I find attractive. Easy.

But how much was I wrong because a hand showed the 7th stick out and it was a sliver haired mope, Lyon. I thought he was gone long ago...I was cut in the train of my thoughts by Erza adding something. "And kiss each body part you stated." I blinked as I looked at Erza incredibly, she just crossed her arms waiting for me to do the dare. I bite my lip nervously when I saw Gray's jaw tighten. My heart beat quickened, damn it. Damn it all. Erza's so cruel when it comes to games like this. She knows my feelings for Gray yet— I shook my thoughts away and smiled at Erza confidently.

- " I'll take three shots." I said as my hands went to the tray.

- " No, you can't. You should do the first dare. You can't take a shot in the first go." She smirked and Jellal nodded when he saw me looking at him.

- " Yes, it's the rules Juvia." Lucy stated.

- " I didn't forget to tell you this? Did I?" Erza asked innocently as I glared at her in response. I sighed and ignoring Gray's piercing eyes, I approached Lyon, who looked very happy and smug with the idea. Don't get me bad, he's attractive and a great guy but I don't like him in that way and knowing he's a thing for me doesn't help it. I didn't want to led him to something that won't happen. My feelings for Gray are so strong for that.

Let's get over with this Juvia, I thought as I huffed a sigh.

- " I like your palm." I murmured before placing a quick kiss on his palm. He chuckled softly but I did it nonetheless. I knew I was cheating but I really don't want to tell his abs are hot and kiss him there, I felt uncomfortable.

The moment our eyes met- [ON HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now