Part 6 - Makeovers and little sisters

Start from the beginning

Mal got a good look at Dizzy's attire as she moved about the room, dark forest green overall shorts splattered with dye and paint with multicolored pins decorating the torso, faint purple ripped leggings, a dull faded pink t-shirt underneath, bright yellowish gold-painted gloves with metalwork bits and bobs glued on, dark green sneakers with painted gold fabric laces, her family crest ring on her left pointer finger, and her usual glasses and headphones on her head. Mal smiled again, remembering Evie always trying to encourage Dizzy to create her own style than to always wear that sickly green and yellowish colored dresses her mother always made her wear.

It had looked like she had followed Evie's word. Dizzy did one last spin, her eyes going wide as she finally spotted Mal. "MAL!" she squealed, making the older teen wince a bit from the high pitch. Dizzy ripped off her headphones from her ears and tossed them around her neck, giving a wide grin at the blonde-haired Mal. "is Evie back too?!

Mal gave the young teen a shrug and shook her head "no, just me" she hummed, suppressing the smile she wanted to give to dizzy as the girl's shoulders dropped in disappointment. She took another look around the salon, letting one of her old smirks grow on her face "you've really gone all out here....looks good" Dizzy's downturned eyes turned to a bright grin as she looked around at her work.

"forgot you guys don't open till midnight....think you can break a few rules?" Dizzy pursed her lips and set the broom on an empty chair, walking over to Mal and grabbing onto her long-curled hair.

"the blonde with purple tips?" Dizzy sighed, giving Mal a bored look "completely washes out your face and I can't even tell your skin and hair apart" Mal let out a little snort and shook her head. Dizzy grabbed her arm and lead her to one of the empty salon chairs and spun her around. "how far can I go?" she hummed, leaning on her palm and smirking down at Mal.

Mal shrugged "honestly, do whatever, just make" she hummed, smiling as Dizzy squealed in excitement and walked over to her huge bottles of chemicals and picked up the dark bubbling purple one. She spun around, grinning as Mal gave her a slightly nervous look.

"let's do this" Dizzy giggled, skipping over to Mal and setting the dye onto the table next to the chair and grinning down at her. Mal pressed her lips together tightly as she looked up at the scheming young teen.

"don't burn me" she muttered, closing her eyes and slumping in the chair, preparing to let Dizzy do whatever she wanted.

"I won't ~"


You grunted as you struggled to put on the black ripped up skinny jeans you had bought two months ago, while they fit perfectly it was always a hassle to get them past your hips.

"come on you stupid- AH!" you tumbled over and hit the carpet with a loud thump, leaving you on the floor groaning in pain.

You shook your head and pulled at the hem of your jeans, laughing in victory as they finally slid over your hips and were buttoned over your stomach.

You stood from the floor and grabbed your black combat boots, quickly shoving them on and tying them. You paused, looking down and cursing, the entire time you had somehow forgotten your shirt.

You zipped up the boots and rushed over to your dresser, pausing as you saw one of Harry's rare-non ripped tank top hoodies sitting folded in your dresser. You snorted as a dumb thought came to mind, but decided to go through with it.

"time to cosplay Harry" you laughed to yourself, sliding on the large tank top and flipping the hood down. You grabbed your skull belt and slid it into the pants loops and buckled it. You stopped for a moment, looking at yourself in the standing mirror sitting next to your dresser, and crossed your arms. "It's missing something" you hummed, tilting your head.

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