My Brother's Best Friend 2

Start from the beginning

I sigh running my fingers through my hair before leaving to go to the rest rooms. When I'm washing my hands that's when his bitch of a girlfriend walks in and stands right behind me. Staring at me.

"Oh, so what do I owe of this amazing pleasure?"

"Bitch you know exactly why I'm here. Stay the hell away from Michael if you know what's best for you."

"You listen here you hoein ass skank.. I don't want your man, your man wants me. He's my brothers best friend dumbass.. And I wouldn't threaten me if I were you." I smirk at her.

"Just don't talk, look or even be near him alright? He don't want your ugly beaten ass anyways. With your fat ass. What size you in huh? XL? Damn your fat. He just feels sorry for you because your man beat the living shit out of you, which I wish I could've seen that. That would've been amazing to watch. Michael already told me you ugly and no one will want you. Which I totally agree. Just look at you. Your a pathetic piece of a human. He even agreed on that." With that she giggles and walks out.

Tears start forming in my eyes. I want to be out of here. I walk back into the movie theater and go back to my seat. But instead of staying I'm leaving.

"Daniel come on, I'm not staying here." He looks at me confused and gets up. I give him a look saying I'll talk to you later on about it and he nods his head. I grab all my belongings and both Michael and Logan speak up but I ignore them completely and just keep on walking.

Once we made it outside and to his car he stops me before getting in.

"Baby, what happened? We were just fine." He walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. Pulling me super close to him.

"Kelly, she called me fat. She said she was glad that I got beat and that it would've been a fun watch." I lay my head against his chest and bawl my eyes out. He says nothing but sweet things to me calming me down.

"Daniel? Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course my love come on. Let's get out of here." He helps me in the car before he does and we are off.

Michael's P.O.V

I quickly follow behind them. Trying to hear their conversation.

"Kelly, she called me fat. She said she was glad I got beat and that it would've been a fun watch." I grit my teeth. I sent Logan a text before zooming off following them.

How dare someone hurt her. Just pisses me off that I can't have her. And yes I did get upset because she didn't tell me. We've grown so close these past couple of months. I wouldn't change a second of it. You think I'm going to allow her to have someone else other than me? Ha! Well you got another thing coming for you.

Wait what am I saying? I can't date her. She's my best friends little sister. That's a part of the bro code. Sisters are off boundaries. But she's like no other. She's beautiful, stubborn, hardheaded like her brother, sweet, innocent, childlike which I adore, doesn't think she's better than others, she's not afraid of being herself around others. She's intelligent, magical, independent, strong, powerful, hilarious, knows when to stand her ground. She's perfect. She needs to be love and adored. Told that she's beautiful, every second of every day. When she's down she needs to be picked back up. I want to hold her each and every day and night. I want to protect her from this horrible world we live in. I want to tell her how beautiful she is each day, not because I have to but because I want to. I want to be the reason to make her smile.. she needs no one else but me.

Hell, now I just realized we have arrived. He opens her door for her, walking her to her door.

"Baby, I'll be right back. I need to go get some clothes alright?" She nods her head. I roll my eyes.

He wraps his arms around her waist bringing her in for a kiss. Too low buddy boy! Off boundaries! When he leaves fully I get out walking over. I basically live here so Logan gave me a key. I unlock the door and went upstairs to her room. Well I hear the shower running so I just sit and wait for her to get out.

I've gotten over 26 text messages from Kelly and like 30 miss calls. I just blocked and deleted her number. A few minutes later I hear the shower turn off. She comes out with a towel wrapped around her body with her medium brown hair. The way she has the towel snugged so tightly against her shows her beautiful curves off. She still has no idea I'm here.

She lets her towel drop to the floor and that's when I go over to make my presence known.

"Wow, if I knew It'd be that easy to get you naked with out trying I would have already." She gasped and froze. She already had all her clothes laid out.

"M-Michael what the hell are you doing here!?" I walk over to her.

"I needed to make sure you were okay." I picked up her bra helping her into it. The same with her panties.

Don't judge it. I have been doing that for months.

"You have to get out of here. Daniel is coming to spend the night with me." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"What a little boy who looks at you like your desert is staying here with you? You could go better sweetheart."

"Look why don't you do what you do best and go fuck some other girl alright? Leave me the hell alone!" I hate when she assumes things like that.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask her softly looking into her eyes.

"Gee, I don't know Michael because you don't know how to keep your dick in your pants. You don't care about anyone! Your a fucked up human being. And your turning Logan into the same thing. Now leave. And the fact that your ugly ass girlfriend came at me telling me you felt sorry for me and that no one will want me! You are the last damn person. I want to fucking see or talk too!"

"But your wrong. I do have a lot of girls around but I've never once had sex with them nor anyone. I don't want to seem like this weak man you know? So I play this tough player guy." I walk closer to her and grab her hand. "I heard what she said to you and I'm sorry.. you are beautiful and don't let anyone ever tell you different alright? I never said any of that stuff about you. She's jealous because you have my attention and she doesn't." I went to go walk away.

"Wait Michael.." I turn around and looked at her. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you for saving me.." she buried her head in my chest. I lift her head up by her chin staring into her eyes.

"You deserve to be saved and cared for. You deserve every little piece of happiness. And I hope you find it one day.." she looks at my eyes than my lips and I do the same to her. Like magnetics our lips meld together. I pulled her closer to me enjoying her lips on mine.

We were shortly interrupted by the door bell ringing. She ran downstairs hoping it was Daniel but it wasn't. Kelly.

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