Adrian Pucey and I dated from the middle of my fourth year to the end of my fifth year. I broke up with him because I caught him cheating on me with some Ravenclaw girl. He pleaded that it was a mistake and has begged me to take him back ever since.

Defense Against the Dark Arts went by slowly, I was lost in my thoughts through most of it. I'm not exactly sure what we did.

Class is dismissed and we get up from our desks and walk out of the class.

"Ugh wish me luck. This is going to be the worst detention of my life." I sigh.

"Good luck Linds. Don't let Fred get to you. Act like you don't care, it'll drive him insane." Dean laughed and walked towards the common room.

I dragged my feet down the hallways towards the potion's classroom.

I walk as slow as I can down the hallway. I am really dreading this detention.

I enter the potions room. Snape is sitting at his desk writing down on parchment.

"Miss Lupin, you're... late," Snape says without looking up in his slow dark voice.

"Sorry professor." I take a seat at one of the desks. Fred is on the other side of the room watching me. I expected him to make some snarky comment but he didn't.

"Now we wait for one more," Snape says impatiently.

One more? Who else could be coming to detention? Hopefully someone I can tolerate to make this better.

The door swings open. Just to my luck.

"Mr. Pucey, nice of you to... finally... join... us."

Great. I have to spend detention with Fred and Adrian. My lucky day.

Adrian takes a seat right next to me.

"Hi, Linds. I've missed you beautiful," Adrian said with a smirk on his face.

I stay silent, I don't want to encourage his behavior.

"You three... will be grading... papers," Snape says in a very monotone voice.

He hands us each a huge stack of papers.

Groans of frustration come out of each of us.

Snape smirks. I swear this man loves seeing children in agony.

"I'll be back... in two... hours." He says and walks out of the classroom.

"I get to spend two hours with you Linds? This is the best day of my life." Adrian says beaming.

I ignore him and start working on the grading.

"You know... we could always sneak off and do something else, something naughty. Like we used to." Adrian is smirking mischievously.

I roll my eyes again and continue to ignore him.

I hear Fred pretend to gag across the room.

"You got a problem, Weasley?" Adrian says in a stern voice.

"Yeah, I do, you're being really annoying Pucey." Fred spits.

I've noticed that Fred and Adrian didn't have any relations until my fourth year. But from what I've heard Fred hates Adrian possibly more than me. I have no idea why, but he has it out for him.

"Get over it Weasley, I'm just talking to my girlfriend here," Adrian says.

"I'm not your girlfriend anymore Adrian," I mumble.

"You could be. Come on baby take me back. You know you miss me. I was everything you've ever wanted. I'm sorry please baby I love you." Adrian pleaded.

"Should've thought about that before you cheated on me, Adrian."

He scoffed. "I told you it was a mistake Linds. Don't be a fucking loser just take me back."

He grabbed me by the collar and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away forcefully.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell.

He just laughs.

"Whatever." He scoffs.

I get up and move my stuff to another seat. I glance over at Fred and he seems angry, very angry. It's weird, I've never seen Fred angry like that. He had his fist clenched on the table as he was grading some papers. It was peculiar.

Adrian sighed and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" I ask annoyed.

"My dorm, I'm over this. You guys finish for me. Tell Snape I had an emergency or something." Adrian said opening the door.

"Hey what no that's not fair!" Fred groaned.

Adrian chuckled at Fred's remark. "Bye gorgeous." He sent me a wink and walked out.

"That asshole! He expects us to do this all on our own in two hours?" I sighed.

"You dated that asshole. Pathetic." Fred snickered in an annoyed way.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" I retort.

"Do you not have standards? Pucey is an asshole, he's just a horny piece of shit. He goes for every girl. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated on your dumbass multiple times before you caught him." He snapped.

"You're the asshole, Fred Weasley. Fuck you. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much but you're the piece of shit here! You don't think I knew Adrian cheated on me multiple times? I just let myself believe he still cared about me and that he still loved me. I get it, he's an asshole, but don't hurt my feelings just because you don't like him! Just leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled.

He didn't say anything. No one said anything for the rest of the detention. It was a long two hours of silence. I finished my papers and waited for Snape to come back.

The door swung open and Snape walked in.

"I'm... back. You all better be done with this wor- " He stopped in his tracks and looked at the seat Adrian was sitting in earlier.

"Where's.... Pucey?" He asked confused.

"He just got up and walked out. He expected us to do the work for him." I scoffed

"Well... did you?" He questioned.

"What? No, why would we do his work? That's ridiculous I-" He stopped me.

"What... a shame. You both will have detention again tomorrow to... finish this work. Be here 2:30 PM" He insisted.

"But-" I started.

"Go, now. Detention is over." He demanded.

Fred got up and gave Snape his graded pile. He didn't say anything and just walked out. He seemed bothered and sad. I couldn't understand why, I've never seen Fred Weasley sad.

I grabbed my things and left the potions classroom and walked towards the Gryffindor common room.

I entered the common room and spotted Dean and Seamus on the couch. They were sitting close. Very close.

I've known about Dean's crush on Seamus for a while. I'm the only one he's told. I think him and Seamus would be absolutely adorable. They flirted so much; they deny it all the time but everyone knows there's something there.

I decided not to interrupt, and I started to walk towards the girl's dormitories.

"Hey Linds wait!" Dean called out.

I stopped walking and turned around.

"What's up Dean?"

"Are you coming to dinner?" He asked.

"No, I'm not hungry and I want to go work on my big plan," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Ooh can I help? I'm so excited about this." He begged.

"Totally let me go grab some things. Meet in the library in ten minutes?" I say excitedly.

"Totally!" He beams.

This'll be the best prank ever.

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