unlocked!(lvl 0.2)

Start from the beginning

"Y/n! Roscoe!" Travis squealed, shining a bright smile to both of us.

"Hi, Travis! Is Noah here?" I ask, Roscoe wagging his tail at the familiar face and scent.

"Yeah! Let me go get him," He says, speeding back into the house. "You can come inside if you want!"

I walk in, closing the door behind me and taking Roscoe's leash off on him, making sure to watch him as he sniffs around the boxes and pieces of halfway put together furniture. A few seconds later, Noah - and who I assume is Cooper - walks down the hallway behind Travis and back into the main room.

"Cooper, this is Y/n, the one we told you about," Travis introduces.

"Hey," He smiles, "Damn, your dog is cute," he says as Roscoe sniffs at his feet. Cooper bends down to pet his back and Roscoe's tail wags even faster at him. 

"What did you do today, Y/n?" Noah asks, making conversation.

"I just got home from Uni, normally I would have worked as well but I'm off today," I answer. "How about you all?"

"We were all trying to build our furniture, Cooper and I were working on our rooms and Travis was working out here," Noah says, motioning to the random parts of what looks to be a coffee table strewn about the floor.

"Do you guys want any help? I have no plans for the rest of the day if it would make things easier for you all. I can buy some food, too," I say with a smile.

Travis speaks up, "You don't have to do that, Y/n!"

"Really, it's okay. What are you guys in the mood for?"

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

An hour had passed, eating Mexican takeaway and talking to one another about things ranging from favorite movies to what would you do if your skin suddenly vanished.

"Y'know, I don't really like thinking about my organs and muscles being so out in the open like that," Cooper says across from me with a disgruntled face.

"Well, arguably, couldn't you be unidentifiable at that point? Like you could do anything you wanted and no one would know it was you cause what would they say? 'oh, I saw this meat-man with no identifiable features steal from this shop,' no, they wouldn't say that." Noah objects.

"Imagine how sticky you would be... all the dust sticking to you and you can't do anything about it. Would you even be able to shower?!" Travis asks, voice cracking a bit on the last word.

"May I say again: I don't want to think about this," Cooper states as he closes his food box and sets it aside.

"Just the thought makes me uncomfortable," I say, shivering dramatically to show my discomfort. "Is there anything else that you need help building?"

"Just a few shelving units and I think only all of our desks and stuff, but we'll probably call it a day for now," Cooper says as he picks up the food trash and put it in their makeshift trashcan (a trash bag on the floor). Noah, Travis, and I  get up off the floor as well. I look for Roscoe and find him asleep on their couch.

"Well, I'll let you three have your place to yourselves again," I say as I softly pet Roscoe, trying to wake him up without scaring him.

"Come by anytime, you and Roscoe are always welcome. Thank you so much for helping us!" Travis says smiling widely.

"And for feeding us," Cooper adds, Noah nodding in agreement.

"No problem, guys," I say as I attach the leash to the now awake and on the floor Roscoe. "I'll see you three later."

The trio say their farewells as I exit, walking up to my apartment and opening the door.

3 R D P E R S O N P O V

Y/n hadn't realized how late she had stayed with them, quickly pouring some food into Roscoe's bowl and hopping into the shower so she could fall asleep. Unknowing to her, on the floor below, Cooper, Noah, and Travis were talking about her.

"So, how did you guys meet her again?" Cooper asks out of curiosity.

"I thought I heard a dog walking around in her house so Noah and I went up there when you were at the store-"

"You just walked up and asked her if she had a dog?" Cooper interrupts.

"No! Well- yes, but I also asked to pet him!" Travis explained, "and she let me! I'd say Y/n are best friends now."

"Oh yeah? I'd say I'm her best friend out of the three of us," Cooper challenged.

"You met her today and barely talked to her while she was here!" Noah states.

"Yeah! Noah and I have known her a full day more and you have the audacity to say that!" Travis says dramatically, fiending hurt by what his best friend had said.

"I'll make sure I'm her favorite," Cooper says smugly.

"Yeah, okay, Cooper, I already know she likes me the best," Noah says, "I mean just look at me."

"I'd rather not look."

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