Start from the beginning

“Not an animal Peeves so you better find yourself a first year to play tricks on, I won't be falling for them” she grudge and glared at the notorious poltergeist who's now next to hers.

“Is someone's annoyed? Oh! I must've irritate you, how fun! Tee-hee-hee” He let out a laugh that would make her fists clench and toes curling, he was really ticking her off.

She halted in her tracks, spreading her arm out to stop Peeves too. “Fine, I'm looking for Draco Malfoy now would you leave?” she snapped before letting her arm fall to her side.

The white poltergeist rose his brows and a lopsided grin escaped his lips. “The bad to the bone Draco Malfoy? Little miss prefect in case you don't know, everyone's been saying he's just exactly like his father so why would you be acquainting with hi―

“It's really none of your concern, Peeves. So I would very much appreciate if you keep your nose out of my business, so care to tell me where's Draco?” She didn't know she could get so snappy but she did.

Peeves had caused her great troubles in the past but she was always saved by her brother when he was still around, and with Clarette and Luna. All those years of anger from the Poltergeist must be showing now.

“Nope! Can't do!” and with that he turned around and left, Diana groaned to herself, Peeves couldn't be much of help of course. But then just when she started to walk away, she heard Peeves yell from a distance “But you should ask Moaning Mrytle!”

Moaning Mrytle? Why would she need to ask moaning Mrytle? She shook her head and turned around, striding pass by Peeves who's taking slow steps. She muttered thanks as she passed by him and to the Grand Staircase was once again, she got to the third floor and staggered towards the Girl's bathroom.

She cursed profanities under her breath, every step she takes made her want to wail out of pain, the soreness and the sharp agony was too much, she struggled to walk. Merlin why does Draco have to be so roug―

She heard a glass shatter as she got nearer to the bathroom.

She briefly stopped in her tracks and a second later she heard what seems to be a metal exploding, her brows furrowed with concern.

She heard grunts and hex whizzing, the sound of running water had now send her body in a fright, she clutched her skirt as she heard a strong yell.

Despite the strain she felt, she hastily rushed to the bathroom and the moment she passed the threshold, her eyes widen in shock to see the whole bathroom slightly flood with water, glasses were shattered, a cubicle door was wide open and she noticed the toilet cistern was wrecked.

She wondered what had happened here, but it surely wasn't just some students playing around. She was alarmed, when suddenly ―


“SECTUMSEMPRA!” a loud scream caught her attention, she advance in the middle of the bathroom and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets, her heart racing fast with fear, the sight before her was blood curling.

Draco layed down, back faced the cold floor, the water mixed his blood that came from his body and she saw huge long scars on his torso. With a pained scream she rushed towards him, her arms trembling when she kneeled down next to him.

“D-Draco, I―” she took out her wand, her hand trembling as she saw him closed his eyes, his chest was heaving and he didn't even groan it was as if he just wanted to end it.

All healing enchantments left her mind and she can't seem to think of a spell that could save him. She drop her wand and pulled his head up to her lap, tears escaping her eyes. “I'll get some help! Please hold on Draco, please”

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