"Rae, you know I can't let you go out there. What happens if you get overwhelmed or hurt even? Theo would skin me alive man. Besides you have to stay here and greet Beta Ross, it is customary. How about I go and help them? I will take Asiling with me and I can call for backup if we need it, I promise I won't lose control this time. I won't let you down this time, you can trust me, you do know that right?" He spoke tilting his head down showing off a small boyish grin trying to ease his tone but I was still a little miffed at his suggestion.

"It'll be fine if the alpha's not coming and it's just beta Ross, you can greet him for me and show him to his room and even start the talk of boundaries if you want. Prove that I can trust you with dealing with people in a calm, suitable fashion and not by fighting with them. Then we can talk about you going back into the field but until you can control your anger I need you to manage the pack affairs while I deal with the war and fighting for now. I do know how you excel in war but after your last incident you desperately need the pack's support now more than ever. Prove to them that you can do this, prove to me that you can do this so that I can have one of my best warriors back out protecting our family okay? Besides Stephan needs me there or he would've linked you instead, you know how terrified he is of Theo. So your formal greeting will have to suffice until I can get this situation under control and I can soothe any ruffled feathers when I have dealt with this situation. Deal? Besides, what kind of alpha would I be if I sent another in my place after being specifically requested to fight alongside my pack?" I stretched as I spoke, smoothing out my bunched up shirt even more.

"I honestly just don't think you leaving right now is the wisest-" He started once more, but I raised my hand annoyed, cutting him off.

"Tyrus, while I value your council truly, this matter is not up for discussion and this is borderline encroaching insubordination. I am going to help my pack and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me. Understood? You will be in charge of pack matters in my absence. Prove the pack wrong about you, put their fears to rest, and prove me right to put my trust in you while I am away." I walked across the floor hurriedly opening the door without another word.

"Raelynn! Please just think about this! You're clearly not thinking this through! This isn't rational and you know it!" He yelled after me, following me as I jogged lightly to reach the top of the flight of stairs.

I spun around to face him angrily, my nostrils flaring with each breath knowing the only way to do this was to show him who was in charge. "ENOUGH!" I commanded in a stern angry voice, almost shouting before leveling off a bit. "I have made my decision and I have thought it through, are you planning to challenge me for my position in order to force me into staying?"

"N-no...a-alpha." He dropped his head quickly in submission and I continued my way down the stairs, halfway down them I gasped as searing pain made its way through my veins. I felt their loss before I heard about it.

'Alpha, we've lost our second line of defense. We've lost two warriors so far and few more are injured. Please hurry, we need you.' Stephan's echoed in my head, forcing me to fight through the pain. I sprinted down the rest of the stairs and ran toward the cherrywood painted oak door. I hurriedly threw open the front door and ran towards the end of the porch as I leapt off the edge, I let the change consume me. I could feel the brilliant electricity race through my veins changing the very fiber of my being as our two souls became one and my body morphed into a large silver wolf.

I felt the Earth squash beneath my paws and squish between my toes while breathing in the fresh crisp air giving my body some time to settle into my wolf form before I dug my claws into the soft dirt pushing off as I raced towards the woods that surrounded the packhouse. I began dodging and weaving through the thicket as I found some low hanging branches and upturned roots. I really didn't want to be snapped on the muzzle by a stupid small twig and have to explain the welt later on. I could hear the boisterous laughter already. I rolled my eyes thinking about how Felix would tease me relentlessly if it happened. I could hear another set of paws tearing up the soft dirt and immediately knew that Aisling had caught up to me. 'Did you grab a few of the warriors on your way out here?' I asked her silently, taking a quick glance back at her as she held a constant speed at my flank. She gave a brief nod before replying 'Yes Alpha, we are just much faster than they are' She laughed lightly and I also chortled a little at the mention of how slow they were. The forest's many obstacles slowed us down slightly but I made split second decisions in order to speed our progress as I was determined to save as many of my pack members as possible and not lose anymore. 'Steph where are you exactly?' I opened the link quickly while also opening it up to Aisling and the other warriors with me, bobbing my head down as a low hanging branch came into view and almost smacked me square in the eyeball.

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