~| even if this might turn out to be the beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

"It's just you, who is perfect, little one. Not the pants."

The soft murmur and sweetness of Kook's words made Jimin have the biggest smile on his cheeks. A smile that spread to his eyes and yet again amazed Jungkook by its beauty.

He pecked Jimin's lips again and then went to get the black beanie from the living room.

"Let's see how this fits," he mumbled to himself while he stretched the materials out a little.

It's not gonna be completely comfortable, that was clear, Jungkook thought as he motioned for Jimin to lean his head towards him.

Jimin's sweater paws cutely clung to the front of Jungkook's shirt, while the man tried to place the hat on his hybrid's head as gently as possible. "Tell me if I hurt you," Jungkook commented while his eyes narrowed on making the ears fit beneath the beanie.

Jimin, with his head down and thankfully hidden from Kook's stare, blushed again.

° • ° • °

"Tell me if I hurt you," Jungkook breathed against Jimin's collarbone, sucking and licking the soft skin, while his right hand glided across the smaller's butt.

Jimin moaned, when he felt it being squeezed by Kook's long fingers.

The human's tongue slipped inside his mouth, tasting Jimin's sweetness and silencing his desperate voice. It was hot, and Jimin lost the track of time, relaxing beneath Jungkook's touches.

"Can I take those off?" The man asked against his kitten's lips, while his fingers tugged on the hem on Jimin's underwear.

The hybrid nodded and breathed out in pleasure - Jungkook's knuckles had just brushed against his erection. His breath hitched as the young male grabbed and showed the fabric off Jimin's legs, eyes sparkling in anticipation.

Kook was leaning in for yet another kiss, never having enough of his kitten's soft lips, but the smaller stopped him.

"Mm," Jimin frowned, and the cute pout earned a soft chuckle from the other.


"Take your pants off, too."

Another kiss landed on the hybrid's lips while Jungkook struggled out of his underwear. "There. Better?"

Jimin nodded, eyes gliding downward. "Much."

° • ° • °

"There," Jungkook sighed, stepping away from his kitten. "Feels okay?"

Jimin looked up, wiggling his head a little to get the feel of the beanie on top of his ears more. "Yes," he smiled, still shy about his perverted thoughts.

Kook grinned back. "Good. If all is okay, I think we can go now. Go put on these while I get my stuff." He handed Jimin another item, or more like - two items. They were black sneakers which the hybrid took and went to put on in the living room.

Soon after they were out of the house and heading to the zoo.

Jungkook had asked before, if Jimin was comfortable with going to a place with so many animals that were, well, locked up. But the hybrid didn't mind. The boy was excited to get out of the house more than anything else.

The drive took about forty minutes, as their destination was not that close to Jungkook's apartment. The whole ride there Jimin wiggled in his seat, dancing in the rhythm of the radio and trying to sing along the songs he heard for the first time.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now