Then to his front, where his own sister was smacking Gally's arm playfully, laughing along to one of his corny jokes.

If those two hit it off, he would be Gally's brother-in-law. Bloody hell.

Newt craned his head back and saw an Immune family, enjoying their time together under the sun.

That was it.

He was officially alone.

Alone, single, and pathetic.

Honestly! He didn't wish for a fairy tale, nor a cliché love story like those in children's books. He just wished he had someone who understood him, who was aware of his hardships, knew his life story, and appreciated him for who he really was. He just wanted an easy relationship like his friends'.

And believed him, he had scouted.

He had literally scanned the room for potential candidate every time they had Gatherings. The women there were either too old, already taken, not his type, or his type, but when he tried to get to know them, it just didn't work out.

Brenda? Thomas'. The shank would kill him if he even thought of making a move.

Sonya? Sister. Of course nah.

Harriet? Too fierce.

Marie? Oh, no. She wasn't over Reggie yet.

There was no one left to bloody choose from. He was going to die old and alone.


Newt woke up from his self-loathing daydream and furrowed his eyebrows at Minho, "I forbid you from calling me that."

Minho ignored him and continued, "We're going to the beach, right? Can you take Frankie's bag from the daycare first? She left it there earlier."

"What about you?"

"This slinthead is not wearing her stupid brace, so I have to carry her back home and take it."

"No," Frankie interjected, whacking Minho as she did so, "Newt, I can take it by myself. It's okay."

If that was Minho, Newt would shoot laser beams at him through his eyes and yelled at him to take it himself. But, since it was Frankie, he smiled and got onto his feet, "I got it, Frank."

"No, but really—" Frankie chorused with Minho's, "Love you, man!"

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"No, but really—" Frankie chorused with Minho's, "Love you, man!"

"It's fine! I'm bored anyway."

"I know you love me, too! You don't have to say it back!" Minho hollered, to which he only replied with mere silence.

Newt hopped off the platform into the piercing, noon sun and slowly made his way towards the Daycare, just three huts over. It was a post made for parents to entrust their children during work hours and Frankie volunteered there.

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