Hermione gave a halfhearted nod. As much as she wanted all the stress to be over with, she didn't feel the want to really get out of Hogwarts as soon as she could. The place had grown on her, despite all that had happened over the past few years. And knowing that soon the time would come when she would leave here, well, the thought of that definitely darkened her mood.

"All right, as I call your name forward, please sit down at the assigned seat." Professor McGonagall spoke up after a good ten minutes, a long roll of parchment in her hand.

Students' names were called out in a faster pace than she'd have imagined, and once everyone had been seated Professor McGonagall told them that these seats would remain theirs until the end of the week, when the exams would end. Furthermore she continued to explain the consequences of cheating on the exams – immediate disqualification; no chance of graduating – and with a quick wish of luck they were all handed their first exam: History of Magic.

After two hours and a lunch break, they were handed their second and last exam of the day: Arithmancy – though this was a selected group of students. Neither Ginny, Parvati, Neville, Seamus or Dean had chosen to follow this subject, and so Draco, Hermione and Padma were the only ones of their year to sit this exam.

Another two hours and a dinner later and Hermione found herself back in the Gryffindor common room, relieved to have finished two out of ten exams so far, and was slightly envying Draco who had one exam less, or even Ginny who only had seven exams in total. Then again, she had chosen herself to take on that many classes. It's not like she could blame anyone for that.

One of the best things about the exams, though, was that the rest of the years of Gryffindor students were polite enough to not create any distractions, and were quiet enough that the rest of the seventh years could study in peace.

The next morning they started with Herbology, followed by Defence Against the Dark Arts after lunch. Now, even though History of Magic and Arithmancy had been a written exam the day before, Herbology and Defence Against the Dark Arts were a mixture of a written exam and a practical exam.

The days dragged on like this. Wednesday – their third day – they started out with Muggle Studies – an exam Ginny didn't take – and then with Potions. One that was a complete practical exam.

Then the next day hey had Ancient Runes followed by Alchemy – two exams that Ginny didn't sit either, and only Hermione followed both; Draco only went as far as Ancient Runes.

And at last their final day came, where they started the last two exams with Charms – again a mixture of written exam and practical exam and the same thing for Transfiguration that followed.

Even though Hermione would never admit it, she absolutely did lose herself in her stress a couple of times in those days, and found herself occasionally at the hospital wing to get some serious stress reliever potions when she was three days into the exam and had only gotten two hours of sleep because she was up all night worrying.

Which was all the more reason to be beyond relieved that the exams were now officially over, and they only had to wait two weeks for their results. Well, two weeks was still a dreadful long wait, but with the graduation party coming up in two days, she would at least have enough distraction for a tiny while.

How are you feeling? Hermione jumped up slightly, grumbling as she repositioned herself on the couch she was laying on. I see you're talking to me again. She didn't sound mad. Hell, she couldn't even be mad at him for shutting her out. If he had been stress talking to her like she had done to him, she would have done the exact same thing. Told you I'd get back to you when the exam were over.

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