He yawned and decided he would go back home and sleep for a bit before heading to bar. Little did he know there were a couple of men following him since before he sat down at the bench and the whole time he was absorbed in his thoughts. They wore normal clothes with hats covering their faces and they followed him the whole way to the bus station. Luther was oblivious to the stalker situation; he continued his care free whistling as he got onto his bus. The men followed him up and took a seat behind him....You never know who is after you until you realize it. But then it is usually too late.

It had been a few days since the big fight they had. Both He Tian and Mo felt awkward to face each other and both were trying their best to avoid contact. Their usual dinner was also pushed back and there were only brief greetings here and there. And it was starting to bother Mo. It got a bit worse when it was secretary Li who introduced him to the chief chef at one of their restaurant chains instead of He Tian. The chef seemed good natured but strict and had a really powerful voice that came from his diaphragm.

Mo wanted to say thanks for the job but He Tian was nowhere to be found. He could call him but it was weird. Wasn't he the one who should be pissed and avoiding him? Why was this the other way around? Feeling irritated, Mo decided he wouldn't speak to him unless he started to talk to him on his own accord. But he later found that the work as a chef was too much for him to dwell in childish thoughts. So instead of pouting like a teenage girl, he buried his body and soul into the work that he loved and enjoyed with his everything. But sometimes in between breaks, he thought it'd be nice if he could tell him about how happy he was. Only for a brief moment of weakness. Both were stubborn on stupid stuff which just made their complicated relationship far worse.

He Tian on the other hand was having a dilemma. He wanted to be all lovey dovey with Mo on one hand but he was still hiding that he had arranged marriage with Zhang Zi Qian and were still going on dates with her on the other. It was a tight spot for him because it was like telling him to choose between his family and Mo Guang Shan. He had to put the importance of the group first before anything and Mo Guang Shan's existence in his life was eclipsing everything. So instead of talking out like normal people, he started to avoid Mo, hoping the latter won't catch on but he wasn't fooling anyone.

He sighed, his head leaning on the knuckles as he played with the spoon in his coffee. His sunglass hanged loosely on his high nose bridge, a few stand of hair getting into his eyes. And with another deep sigh, he removed the spoon and lifted the cup to the lips before taking a large sip. He agreed to hang out with Jian Yi and Zhang XiXi at a café and caught up with each other.

Jian Yi made an annoyed face as he looked at He Tian's distressed state with a straw clenched between his teeth. His pale blue tinted sunglasses were on his head as he leaned his whole self on Zhang Xi who was for once in casual clothes, busy on his phone. "You are really killing the vibe, Tian. I didn't ask you to come on our date to see your funeral face." Zhang Xi pushed him off of him earning a click of tongue and a pout from Jian Yi. "We are not on date. And He Tian...I am really sorry you have to put up with my sister."

He Tian grunted in agreement but he waved his hand. "Nah, it's all fine. It's not like I am not benefiting from this arrangement." "Ha...to think that I will see a day the great He Tian entertaining a high school girl before I die. You cradle robber." He Tian gave him the finger and turned to Zhang Xi. "Did you already know that she have a boyfriend?" "Yes. We are very close. I am sorry. I couldn't mention it to you before." "No problem. I already got ambushed by the guy. Seemed like a total brat. But..." He Tian leaned back on his seat. "An Ivanov brat to be exact."

Zhang Xi drunk from his coke care freely before speaking. "I know." He Tian's lips stretched into a smile and he leaned toward Zhang Xi. "Oh my...what a sly man you are, Zhang Xi. Did you plan to use their relationship and make alliance with the Ivanov family?" Zhang Xi placed the empty can before him calmly and he gave Jian Yi a pack of tissue as the latter splattered the drink on the table and himself. "It is counter measure. An alliance with foreign family might be of use for others but like in our country where they treasured blood over everything else, it wouldn't be of much help in fortifying my claim to the seat. If it was so then my uncle would have got it long ago."

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