
Start from the beginning

You sat up and stretched as the kid cooed lowly. "Good morning grogu." You said, your voice still a bit groggy from sleep.

"How'd you sleep?"

The sudden modulated voice scared you but you quickly recognized that it was Mando's. "Good, thank you."

"We're almost at our destination."

"Well, I'd better go meditating again to see if I can locate Ashoka since we're much closer."

"Good ideas."

"I'll leave grogu with you."

Mando gave you a nod and watched as you exited the cockpit. A sudden coo made him divert his gaze to the child. "She'll be back."

The child cooed once again while he plopped down on the passenger seat where you had sat. "Don't worry grogu."


The sudden noise made the mandalorian's chest warm up as he released a small chuckle.
"Grogu?" He said while his helmet gave a small tilt.


Underneath his helmet, the mandalorian was smiling warmly at his little companion. Grogu was like a son to him, he'd do anything and everything to protect him, and he'd do the same for you. Though for you, he felt something completely different, it was that one feeling he only knew because of his past relationship, though he doesn't really like to think about it.

He had to stop feeling this way, it'll only put all of you at risk; no body can know that the most dangerous bounty hunter in the parsec had feelings for a wanted Jedi.

A loud opening of the cockpit door interrupted the many thoughts of the mandalorian as he turned to see you. "Got anything?" He asked.

"Yes actually, since she is much closer I was able to pinpoint what planet she is currently residing in."

"Great, which planet."

"The planet is called Tython, I remember reading about it in the Jedi Order many years ago, The planet is said to be dry with many many dead trees."

The mandalorian gave you nod, "you sure do know a lot about different things, like those Ewoks."

You lightly laughed at the mandalorian's remark, "it was advised to read when we were not training, it was interesting to read about the galaxy and all it's cool planets." You paused thinking about all those times as a padawan where you'd stare up from your window to look at the twinkling stars. "I always wanted to go out there and go to different planets, but I was always told a Jedi should not have cravings for adventure."

"How come?"

"I- I'm honestly not sure, they'd say it was just the Jedi way."

The mandalorian gave you a nod as he looked forward again, towards the huge window. The three of you sat in a comfortable silence as you flew through hyperspace; however the silence didn't seem to last long as the a beep from the monitor began to blink.

"We're here."
The mandalorian exited hyperspace and set coordinates for Tython.
"We should be there in 10 minutes."

Opposites Attract (Mandalorian X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now