Yandere Henri Complete

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Henri is 13 James and Sarah are 15 between 16

Moses: This week on liberty's kids, James and Sarah have been leaving Henri out lately, will Henry be able to keep his cool or when he will finally s n a p.
It was an average day in Boston, but not an average day for Henri Levbrae. Usually he would be tagging along with James and Sarah, taking notes on Boston's latest events for the newspaper; today was different though. They had gone without him! But they hadn't just politely declined Henri's request to come with them, Sarah had refused to let Henri come!
"No way! I will not allow Henri to come along and ruin our day once more." Sarah replied to James angrily.
"Oh c'mon Sarah, it could be fun!" James replied. Henri stood with his arms crossed. He hated when Sarah talked about him like he wasn't in the room.
"If he's going I am not!" Sarah replied confidently.
James hesitated for a moment before saying, "Sorry Henri, you're gonna have to stay behind for this one
Henri couldn't believe how James could just give in like that! He has been agreeing with everything she's been saying. James used to always agree with Henri, what has changed?
Henri now sat in his room. He was the only one at the print shop today, Moses was out visiting his brother Kaito, he had just gotten home from the war. What is there to do? It's not like Boston has that many exciting things to do. He was so used to hanging out with his friends he felt lost. He couldn't help but sulk, thinking about all the fun he and James used to have. Maybe, Sarah and James were getting along so well since they are the same age. It's not like Henri could change his age. It really wasn't fair. What are they doing where I can come with them? He thought
"I know! I will just go track them down!" Henri thought out loud. Henri got up and dashed out the door.
He had an idea of where they were going. Henri remembered hearing Sarah mention a Crabapple tree.
"They must be going to ze park!" Henri said, wondering why they were going to the park. Going to the park won't help out the newspaper very much, henri thought.
When Henri reached the park he didn't know where to go. He said is confusion, "What even is a Cranapple tree?" He decided to take the closest path in the park. If he didn't find James-well....James AND Sarah...then he would just head home. He didn't want to seem too stalker-ish.
"There! A tree!" Henri saw an amazing looking tree. It had flowers and berries in it. It was really an amazing tree. Henri took his eyes away from the flowers to see-
s a r a h
a n d
j a m e s
"What a lovely day it is, perfect for a date with you James!" Sarah said as she held hands with James under the tree. They had a picnic set up with BREAD. Sarah must have brought bread just to anger me! Henri thought.
"I am so happy to be here with you too Sarah!" James replied.
Then James k i s s e d S a r a h. Henri felt his head spinning. James and Sarah are dating? Zey havent told me? This is all Sarah's fault! All Sarah's fault.
Henri ran. He ran as fast as he possibly could. Not down the path, through the woods. Henri didn't want anyone to see him. He just had to get out of the park. Henri kept running the entire way home. He didn't care if his legs felt as if they were going to fall off. He just needed to run.
When he finally reached home he was breathing heavily. Why was he so startled? Why was he so angry? Truthfully James was never a fan of Sarah. She always had something to say. "Henri you're such an idiot!" or, "Henri when do you ever stop talking?!" Henri was surprised he had never felt this hatred towards Sarah before. She was always on thin ice, but after kissing James...Henri wanted the ice to crack and her to fall in. Everything feels like that sometimes about someone right? Everyone wants someone d e a d right?
He wasn't sad, he wasn't going to cry, he was angry. Angry at everyone. He was angry at Sarah's mother for sending her to America. He was angry at Benjamin Franklin for making Sarah, Moses and James responsible. He was mad at Moses for employing her. But mostly...he was mad at Sarah for ever coming into his life.
What could he do? Could he leave the print shop? No. He didn't want to leave James. But he didn't really want to see James either. Why would he decide to date Sarah? That part is partially his fault.
All of a sudden the door opened and Moses was standing there.
"Henri?" Moses asked Henri, holding the door wide open to reveal the boy. Henri was surprised to see Moses. He thought he would still be visiting Kaito.
"What happened to you?" Moses asked.
"M-Moses. Why are you home so early." Henri asked. Henri didn't answer his question, he didn't want to tell Moses what he just went through...not yet.
"My brotha....He didn't make it.." Moses responded. Henri didn't care. He could care less about what happened to Moses' brother. It's not like they hung out everyday or something.
"Oh." Henri responded with no emotion. Moses looked to Henri as Henri went inside the print shop.
"Henri, you don't seem yourself....did something happen." Moses asked Henri. Henri did not look him in the eyes, instead Henri continued to look at the ground.
"Why?" Henri started.
Moses replied with"Huh?"
"Why did you let Sarah work here?" Henri asked Moses. Moses was shocked. Why would Henri ask such a question. Moses thought the two got along.
"Well Henri, she's a nice girl and smart enough to help with the paper-" Moses started until Henri interrupted him.
"Was I not good enough? Am I not smart enough to do the paper with James?" Henri asked with emotion this time.
"No, that's not what I meant. I thought Sarah could be a help to you two. And James seemed to like her-"
"See, that's the problem Moses. And it's all your fault..." Henri stated. Moses looked up at him in concern.
"Just tell me what happened Henri and we can work this out-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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