Part 1 - Eight Years Is A Long Time...

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Eight years.

That's a long time.

And things have changed.

Not small things that people wouldn't notice.

But massive things which everyone knows about.

Being Thomas Parker's daughter, my life isn't exactly a secret from anyone. Even two years after the band had their farewell tour, you still get the odd camera flashed in your face. Or the odd look thrown at you in the streets. Or someone that you've never seen before wanting to know how your dad is. Pretty damn annoying.

But as I was saying. Big things have changed.

Some very big things have changed.

The first thing being that I'm in a very happy and stable relationship. His name is Jason and I met him when I left school at sixteen to get a job. My dad wasn't very happy when I told him about that. But it was my choice and it was nothing to do with him. Me and Jason instantly connected. We got along like a house on fire. I couldn't be happier that we're still together. Even after this long and the trouble which has been caused for us. We're still going strong. I love him and he loves me. It's as simple as that really.

The second thing which has changed is that I have a daughter. She looks just like me but with Jason's eyes. She is the best thing to happen to us and she brought us even closer together. However, she also pushed my dad even further away from me.

He told me that he was disappointed in me for ruining my life like that.

I haven't really spoken to him since the day Kaylee was born - we decided we were going to call her Kaylee Louisa Parker, we both fell in love with that name straight away.  Dad came to the hospital to see his granddaughter and then vanished before I could even talk to him properly. He avoids me now. Hardly ever comes round to see me anymore, but never has a reason why he doesn't want to see me. He just doens't want to see me. That hurts a lot and I'll never understand why he's acting this way. I haven't done anything wrong to upset him. My dad is just being extremely immature and I can feel his slipping further and further away from me.

That's another thing which has changed. Mine and my dad's relationship. It's pretty much fallen apart now and is now beyond repair. Our relationship lasted pretty well until the point when I turned seventeen. Something inside him clicked and he didn't want to spend as much time with me anymore. It just got progressively worse, as I've already said, after Kaylee was born.

But the two biggest changes which have happened is the fact I haven't seen my mum in just over two years and James hates me. Mum disappeared a couple of weeks before my eighteenth birthday. Her and Jay went off somewhere, but Jay won't tell us where she is. Even after all this time, he is still keeping that a secret from us all. I just want to know why she left at the point where our relationship was brilliant.

See, I decided I was going to re-build my relationship with my mum shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I'd had enough of people always bragging about how they spent time with their mums. Or how their mums had bought them the latest gadget. Or telling each other how their mum had given them money to do whatever they wanted. I'd had enough of being one of the few people who didn't really have a mum. So I slowly began talking to her. It was hard at first because we hadn't spoken in nearly four years, but then it just got easier and we became pretty close. But then she just left. One night, she packed all her things and disappeared with Jay. Never to be seen or heard from again, by any one other than Jay. But he was never going to tell us where she was. Which really did suck.

And then there's James.

Can't forget about James.

He hates me for lying to him.

When he turned fifteen he found out the truth. He discovered that Jay was his real dad and not Tom. It's safe to say he was angry that he had gone this long thinking Tom was his dad. James refused to call Jay 'dad' and he didn't talk to my mum for a month. He really did hate her that day. Then he found out that I also knew the truth. He went mental at me. He never spoke to me again after that. Whenever he was round Nathan's at the same time as me, he would just look away from me and not say a word.

It's safe to say I was annoyed.

I was twelve when I found out. James was eight. That's hardly an appropriate age to tell someone that their dad, isn't actually their dad. But he didn't see it that way. He saw it as me deliberately lying to him with the intention of hurting him. Boys are so stupid sometimes.

When James hit sixteen, he wasted no time in moving away. He didn't tell any of us where he was going. He didn't even tell us that he was leaving. He just left in the middle of the night and hasn't made any contact with any of us since that day.

I would feel the same if I was in his position. But I wouldn't vanish into thin air.

James had always been the favourite. And I'm sure that wasn't going to change just because he ran away.

So, my life hasn't really been easy over the past eight years. Sure I've got Jason and Kaylee. Those two keep me going and are the most important things in my life right now. I love them both and will never let them go.

But that doesn't mean that I don't miss my own family.

I still see Siva, Nareesha, Max, Nathan and Lauren. Poor Max is still single while Siva and Nathan are both happily married. And then you've got their kids.

Louisa and Michael recently celebrated their sixteenth birthdays. Of course they had a massive party and invited a lot of people. It was an amazing night and it took my mind off everything for a while. Then there was Jake. He was still living around here. Nathan bought him a flat for his sixteenth birthday - like every single dad does when their son turns sixteen. But Jake is living there now. Nathan and Lauren are juggling their hectic life; I've heard having a nine year old, a three year old and a one year old is pretty hectic.


Nathan and Lauren had another three kids after Jake.

One is enough for me. I can't imagine having four kids, three of which are under the age of ten, to run around after. I'd rather them than me.

Siva and Nareesha only had one more. They have another daughter and she's beautiful. She looks exactly like Nareesha and Siva already spoils her rotton. She's only eight months old. But she is still absolutely gorgeous. They named her Georgina Lauren Kaneswaran and then made me her godmother. Madness, right?

So, as you can see, a lot has changed over the past eight years. I have no family left to love me or care about me. They've all left me and are getting on with their own lives now. I miss them all the time and I wish we could all be back together again.

But that's not going to happen.

For now, all I have to keep me going are Jason and Kaylee. The only two people in my life who will never leave me.

I will always love them and they will always love me. That's enough to keep me going.

For now anyway...


So, here is the first. Hope that it explains everything and it wasn't too boring. It will get better soon...well, I hope they will anyway aha.

Hope you enjoy reading this and I don't bore you too much.

Love you all,

Em :)xx

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