Chapter Twenty: The Scorpion's Burrow

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As usual, Willow was overprepared.

Today's preparations included a secret button camera and mic, a knife hidden in her boot, and ensuring she was well hydrated. Probably overkill for a lab tour, but with everything happening in Tyche Point right now, she wasn't taking any chances.

She waited on the sidewalk in front of a gas station at the edge of town. The Director had called earlier to let her know something had come up, and that he needed to delay the meeting by half an hour. And, for some reason, change their meeting location to this place. It could have been a lie, but Willow was too invested to back down now.

The Director's gray car pulled up right on time. The rear door opened, revealing an empty back seat.

"Willow. Glad you decided to give our lab a chance." The Director was driving this time.

As Willow climbed in, she noticed his attention was fixed on something outside. She followed his gaze to a white car parked haphazardly at the edge of the gas station's parking lot.

"So, is everything okay at your lab? With the delay, I mean." Willow pulled the door shut.

"Oh, yes, nothing to worry about. The issue wasn't lab-related." The Director held up a phone and in a low voice, said, "We were right about the image from the traffic cam. Send someone to collect the car from the gas station, please."

Willow decided against asking about the car. He didn't seem interested in explaining. But now that he wasn't wearing sunglasses or hiding in the shadows, she could at least get a better look at him. She tried to guess how old he was. Late forties, maybe?

The Director pulled onto the road and drove back toward the center of town. Willow frowned. There wasn't much around here that could be a laboratory. Delta Labs was in the other direction, and they weren't headed toward the highway either.

Her phone buzzed. A text from Adam. I'm still planning on meeting the others after practice if you want to come after whatever it is you're doing.

Willow shoved the phone back into her pocket. Adam could wait.

Her heart rate quickened as the Director turned onto Poppy Street. And then took a left. "Is your lab here in town?" she asked.

"Sort of."

The next turn made Willow's stomach drop.

This was the block with the arcade.

"I have a very big, expensive lab with a huge team located up north," the Director continued. "But right now, I'm working with a colleague to find something we need in the area. So, we're working out of a temporary lab for the time being."

He parked on the street, a few buildings down from Star City.

Willow dug her nails into her leg. She vaguely remembered Eric mentioning a scientist taking his blood while he was captured. Had he used the words 'lab director'? It was starting to sound familiar. Maybe Willow should have paid closer attention.

Stay calm. She focused on keeping her breathing steady, her face expressionless. Give nothing away. The Director wanted her for her engineering work. There was no way he knew about her abilities. She could take his little tour, and maybe even steal information she and the others could use against Scorpion.

She just had to get in and out without making him suspicious.

"There's a lot of free real estate in this town," the Director said as they stepped out of the car. "Particularly underground." He led Willow to the alley next to Star City and unlocked a side door. Scorpion. Definitely Scorpion.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now