"See what actually happened wasn't as cool but um my boyf- FRIEND. My friend told me not to do something and well I did it anyways, and then I actually got stabbed, protecting my other friend."

Corey narrowed his eyes at her as the corners of his mouth turned up into a tight smile.

"Tell me about this friend."

"Why? It's none of your business." Max snapped.

"Because we're both on bed rest with nothing better to do."

"Fine," She grumbled as she leaned back in the chair, getting comfortable. "He's an annoying stuck up piece of shit who never stops talking and can't sit still for more than a minute."

"huh, do you have any nicer adjectives to describe him? I'm sure you could think of a few."

"He's...nice, sometimes" Max mumbled.

"I'm gonna need more than that." Corey pressed with an amused smirk.

"He's not a total dick at times. He's kind of a wimp but he's never hesitated to help his friends. Well, except for when I got stabbed. He kinda just froze but I'm just assuming it was his anxiety."

"So your friendship with...?"


"Stiles- Is strictly platonic?"

"Yep." Max nodded with a pressed smile.

"Okay...and how many times have you guys kissed?"

"...Twice or so...But he kissed me! So technically it doesn't count...right?"

"How many times did you kiss back?" Corey smirked.


"And did you like it?"

"I- I did not come here to get dating advice from a child!" Max retorted, most certainly wanting to avoid the question.

"Yet I'm still getting more action than you have in your entire existence." Corey snapped back, not appreciating her tone, " How do you think I got this in the first place?" he added, raising his bandaged arm.

"You said he stung you...how?" Max asked, suspiciously.

"We were kissing, and then I felt this sharp sting on my arm, and... And then I looked up at him, and I swear, his eyes turned black."

Max dropped her eyes to the floor as she wracked her mind for possibilities of creatures he could be talking about. Then she realized she had to find a way to tell Scott or Stiles.

"Do you have a phone? I have to call-"

"-Scott? Don't bother. I already told him."

"You know him?"

"Not really, he and his girlfriend came by asking the same questions not too long ago. They rushed off to go find him." Corey shrugged as he arched his back, stretching it out from his slumped posture.

"oh..." was all she could say at the moment. She felt incredibly disappointed having missed them, when she was just one room away. 

On top of that, she hadn't seen either of them since the incident and hadn't known whether they had caught tracy or not. 

A rush of sadness waved over her as she realized she couldn't contribute anything to the group at the moment and one of the many things she hated were being useless.

"Where did you happen to send them off to?" she asked.

"Why? So you can go find them?" Corey asked, already knowing her mindset within the few minutes he'd known her.

"Are you going to stop me?" she asked, defensively.

"No. Even if I tried, I probably couldn't because something tells me you're a lot tougher than you seem."

Max nodded and she reluctantly stood up and walked over towards the door, without another word.

"...But I don't think Stiles would want that, would he?"

She stopped in her tracks, "What makes you think I care about what he wants?"

"Because you do and you're just lying to yourself by saying you don't." Corey shrugged, "But like I said, I won't stop you."

Max reached forwards and twisted the knob but instead of opening the door, she let go as she trudged back over to the chairs and took a seat.

"Smart choice." he praised, smiling down at her.

"whatever." she mumbled, crossing her arms and slouching in her seat.

"Just out of curiosity and because your friends didn't provide much of an explanation, what's wrong with my boyfriend? Is it drugs or steroids...?"

Max looked at him, gathering amusingly. From some aspects he reminded her of Liam but he was definitely a lot bolder than her friend...a lot more gay too.

"Ever heard of the supernatural?"


This was kind of a filler chapter cause not a lot happened in this episode but next one will be more packed. Idk bout y'all but I love Corey, he's adorable and I ship him and mason so hard so I had to make a chapter of them together <3 

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