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@OfficalP.JM- I'm sorry if I upset you yesterday and today. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings ❤️

@AgustD- What? Wait no I'm confused?

@OfficalP.JM- Oh.. you just suddenly stopped speaking to me and I teased you in Seokjins comment section..

@AgustD- I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Jimin! No I was just busy with work and I was already annoyed about being locked out. I was just joking don't worry about it.

@OfficalP.JM- Oh I'm embarrassed now lmaooo 🗿

@AgustD- By the way I'll answer your questions, I'm not sure if I'm your Hyung but I assume I am.. since I'm old. Uh and my name is Actually Min Yoongi. My stage name is AgustD.

@OfficalP.JM- Oh cool! Are you a rapper or something?

@AgustD- Yeah I am :)


@AgustD- See I told you I was a cool cat 😎

@OfficalP.JM- I....

@AgustD- Anyways.. I was born in 93

@OfficalP.JM- Oh! Okay you are my hyung I was born in 95 🥺

@AgustD- That's awesome my dear Dongsaeng 😎

@OfficalP.JM- Make sure to not make that a habit lol

@AgustD- Ouch...

@OfficalP.JM- I was just joking 🥺

@AgustD- So was I 😼

@OfficalP.JM- Wait you used the emoji I said!!

@AgustD- Only for you ;)

@OfficalP.JM- Don't you dare make me bust a UwU Min Yoongi 😠

@AgustD- I'll try not too!

@OfficalP.JM- Wanna play 21 questions!!

@AgustD- Uh sure! I mean I'm still stuck out of my office :(

@OfficalP.JM- Not funny, not funny, not funny, not funny, not funny. I'm trying to convince myself.

@AgustD- I... 👺

@OfficalP.JM- Okay anyway question 1. Do you try to spend time without your phone?

@AgustD- Uh yeah, I basically write music, eat, and sleep.

@OfficalP.JM- I model and I dance in my free time for my channels and stuff. So I guess I do try and spend time without my phone.

@AgustD- What's the next question?

@OfficalP.JM- Give me 3 words to describe yourself.

@AgustD- Tired, Overworker, and kind I guess..?

@OfficalP.JM- I don't know for me to be honest I think I'm loving, kind and friendly?

@AgustD- Your forgetting beautiful, aren't you instagrams pretty boy?

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