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Kookie🐰- Tae are you okay? I saw your post this afternoon.

Taehyungie🐯- Sorry Jungkook, but your the last person I feel like talking to right now.

Kookie🐰- What? What the hell did I do I haven't been home?!

Taehyungie🐯- Nothing, just leave me be please. I don't want to say something I'll regret. I'm upset, I need time to calm down.

Kookie🐰- No, your being a jerk for no reason I didn't do anything!

Taehyungie🐯- Just go back to your Hyungs I wanna be alone.

Kookie🐰- Is that what this is about? My Instagram post? Why are you being so jealous and rude over a single photo?!

Taehyungie🐯- Because your a fucking player Jeon Jungkook. You've played with my feeling for years! Getting my hopes all high just to hurt me even more again.

Taehyungie🐯- That's why okay?! I'm not being rude. Maybe you just deserve it this time.

Kookie🐰- I haven't been doing anything! I just acted like any other friend would act. How is that my issue? I don't even know what your on about right now!

Taehyungie🐯- I'm so fucking in love with you that it hurts! I hope your fucking happy.

Kookie🐰- HOW DID I HURT YOU! I don't understand Taehyung!

Taehyungie🐯- All the little forehead kisses, cuddles, holding my hand at the fair when I was scared!

Kookie🐰- Tae I did that because I like you!

Taehyungie🐯- I don't believe you!

Kookie🐰- Then that's your problem not mine!

Taehyungie🐯- Whatever Jungkook you always push the blame onto others and never take action for what you actually do.

Taehyungie🐯- I'm done.

Kookie🐰- You can't just be like I'm done and leave the conversation. Stop acting like a baby! Your being completely over dramatic.

Taehyungie🐯- How am I acting like a baby if your the one who's literally saying 'it's not my problem' like grow the fuck up and realize that you should have manned up and said something instead of leaving me hopeless and sad.

Kookie🐰- Taehyung if you would have said something maybe I could have known! But you didn't how is that my fault! I honestly don't understand how about you spell it out for me!

Taehyungie🐯- Fine your a fucking

Kookie🐰- I'm not a prick and if you actually knew me you would know that! Where have you been the past 4 years of our friendship.

Taehyungie🐯- I've been alone, broken. Sobbing into my pillow every fucking night as Jimin comforts me and tells me that everything will be okay. And that my life is worth living. And to not give up until all my hope is gone, well newsflash it's gone.

Kookie🐰- Honestly I didn't know.

Taehyungie🐯- Yeah and that's the issue. How could you be so oblivious that I loved you so much that it was tearing my very being apart.

Taehyungie🐯- Huh? Are you suddenly not answering now?

Kookie🐰- Just please let me take this all in Taehyung I'm in shock like I said I've liked you for years also. You need to calm down I think your making a mountain out of a mole hill right now.

Taehyungie🐯- A mountain out of a mole hill are you fucking kidding. Like I said I don't believe you. But wait isn't that my issue? You know someone told me Never give up on love until every little piece of hope is gone because you never know who may love you back more then anything. I just can't help but give up now.

Kookie🐰- Please Tae just leave me be for a little bit! I don't even know what to say to you.

Taehyungie🐯- Whatever. Your just trying to avoid the situation.

Kookie🐰- Just go do some fucking vape tricks or find some way to fucking entertain yourself for a few hours! Until I'm actually able to process what you just fucking threw into my face!

Taehyungie🐯- Fuck you.

Kookie🐰- Taehyung wait.. i'm sorry. I didn't mean that. At lot is happening at once and I can't process. Okay? please just give me a while.

Taehyungie🐯- Take your time but don't expect me to reply when you text or call.

Kookie🐰- Tae please I said I'm sorry!

Kookie🐰- Taehyung just give me a bit.

Kookie🐰- Please answer me I promise I really like you!
Message not delivered

Kookie🐰- Taehyung?
Message not delivered

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