3.9K 97 1

Warning: this chapter contains use of harmful homophobic slang/slurs.

"What a asshole!" Jimin exclaimed throwing his cellphone at the wall in frustration. His finger immediately travelled to his brown locks as he pulled them angrily.

"Hey, woah woah woah. What's going on?" Taehyung said rushing into the room to calm the angry male.

"Why was I even surprised! Who would ever want to hang out with me? let alone even like me?" Jimin remarked throwing his blankets up and hiding underneath.

"Hey. Jimin don't be like this!" Taehyung said sternly as he pulled at the sheets tightly wrapped around his body.

"Please, I want to help you! Let go of the sheets. Your being childish." Taehyung exclaimed exhaustedly tugging at the blanket like a parent trying to get their kid out of bed.

Jimins held on the blanket loosened as Taehyung pulled the sheets of seeing the older male in his silk pyjamas with tears flowing from his brown eyes.

"Hey, let's talk okay?" Jimin nodded scooting over for Taehyung to climb into his bed.

"What's going on?" Jimin sighed softly, as Taehyung began wiping the tears flowing from his eyes.

"The guy I like.. it's so stupid I'm just being a over dramatic. Why do I have to be so dramatic all the fucking time." Jimin muttered letting his eyes flutter shut momentarily.

"Jimin, I'm sure it's not stupid. Not much can upset you this much." Taehyung explained.

The door clicked open revealing Jungkook peaking into the room uncertainly. Taehyung looked at him in disbelief.

"Jungkook did you break into our goddam house again?" Taehyung asked causing Jimin to lean up to see Jungkook standing snickering in the door frame.

"Hyungie you literally said just come in when I get here" Jungkook explained shutting the door and walking over to the bed.

"What's wrong Jimin hyung?" Jungkook asked sitting on the end of the bed unsurely.

"It's so stupid and now I'm even more embarrassed." Jimin whined throwing his face into his hands.

"Hey don't be embarrassed, I wouldn't ever judge you" Jungkook pouted ruffling Jimins fluffy hair.

"Who's the hyung here?" Taehyung laughed pulling Jimin into a sitting position.

"Yah! I'm not a baby stop." Jimin whined out swatting at Taehyungs hands. Taehyung chuckled squeezing at Jimins red cheeks.

"Awh look at little Jiminie. Aw such a cutie patootie" Jimin pouted swatting his hand away harshly.

"Seriously Hyungs what's going on though?" Jungkook inquired laying back onto Taehyungs lap.

"Wait why can he lay down but I can't!" Jimin exclaimed watching Taehyung play with Jungkooks fluffy hair.

"Cause I said so" Taehyungs smirked crinkling his nose slightly.

"Like i said two seconds ago WHAT GOING ON?" Jungkook exclaimed impatiently. Taehyung shrugged looking at Jimin expectantly.

"The guy I like lied to me and said he was busy the next few months and couldn't meet up with me." Jimin said crossing his arms sadly, letting his head fall onto Taehyung's shoulder.

"Wait really what a douche" Taehyung said leaning back onto the head board while twisting peices of Jungkooks hair around his fingers.

"Maybe he was actually busy?" Jungkook stated shrugging softly.

"because If he was so busy he wouldn't be having a day out with his friend." Jimin said rolling his eyes angrily.

"He literally said to me he didn't have time to see any of his friends. Oh and that if he had any free time he would tell me." Jimin added raising his eyebrows at Jungkook.

"Well I mean that was uncalled for but maybe something came up." Jimin rolled his eyes flicking Jungkooks forehead.

"It doesn't matter the point is that he probably doesn't like me back and that's why he didn't feel like meeting up with me" Jimin explained cluelessly as tears began to slip from his eyes again.

"Hey! No who could ever not like you!" Jungkook said leaning up to wipe his tears off.

"Him obviously. He literally made up the most stupid excuse so he didn't have to meet me." Jimin sniffled bringing his knees toward his chest.

"Maybe he was just scared to meet you Jimin. Cause he likes you. How about you just take a break from speaking to him. Then reach back out once you have your thoughts gathered." Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I love you guys but I think I want to be alone right now." They both nodded giving him a quick hug before leaving out the door hand in hand.

But once Jimin was alone. His thoughts returned. The ones that ruined his life back in highschool and once again it felt like there was no escape.

'No one loves you'

'You will be alone forever'

'Of course he didn't like you look at what you wear. What a fag."

'They'll use you and go'


'Nobody wants you'

'Your alone, you will always be alone'

'Give it up'

'Do it, you know you want too'

'Stupid flamer'

"Stop please" Jimin whispered as tears fell from his eyes, he held tightly on his ears as his hands began to shake.

"Leave me alone."

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