Chapter 20 - I'm right out here for you, just let me in

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"How is she?"

Loki looked up as Thor entered the healing room. He put his finger to his lips, indicating to Thor he had to be quiet. His brother froze in the middle of the room, afraid to move any further as Sigyn stirred. They both held their breath, but she remained with her back to them and huddled under the covers. Loki drew closer to peek over her shoulder. She was still asleep, thank Odin.

Sigyn had woken up a few times during the night, crying and screaming in terror. Her dreams were filled with the dreadful memories of what had happened. At first, Loki held his wife in his arms, rocking her back to sleep with whispering words of comfort and love, but after the fourth time, he could no longer bear to see her in such agony. He prepared a draught for her to drink, ensuring a dreamless slumber. It had allowed Loki to shut his eyes for a bit as well, but his concern for Sigyn kept him awake. 
At the slightest stirring, the slightest change in her breathing, Loki was at her side, frightened that he would still lose her. Frigga had returned shortly after dawn, ordering him to go to sleep, assuring her son that she would watch over Sigyn, but Loki had refused. He would not leave Sigyn now. He would never leave her. Never.

Loki beckoned his brother to join him at the window so they could speak without disturbing Sigyn. He briefly peered outside. The sky was grey, packed clouds blocking out any sunlight, and the usual turbulent waters underneath the Bifrost were still. There was not a bird in sight, and the city below was silent. It seemed Asgard joined Loki and Sigyn in their anguish.

"How is she?" repeated Thor, trying to keep his voice low. 

"In pain," answered Loki wearily. "The healers have done the best they could, but her body and her mind are broken. And..."

Loki pressed his lips together when he realised how hard it was to say it out loud. He averted his eyes from Thor and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"We lost our baby."

The words were uttered softly, almost inaudibly. But Thor had still heard them. He gasped and looked sadly at Sigyn's sleeping figure before putting a comforting hand on Loki's shoulder. 

"I am sorry, brother. Truly."

Loki shrugged him off. He did not care for anything Thor had to say on the matter. Fortunately, Thor's limited attention span allowed for a change in the topic as his eyes searched the room for someone.

"I would have thought Astrid to be here as well. I know the two of you are not the best of friends, but that should not have stopped her from coming here. Not with Sigyn hurt."

"Astrid is no longer with us."

Thor furrowed his brow at Loki's sudden cold tone of voice. 

"What do you mean?"

"We discovered Astrid was Lady Sunna's spy. She sent messages to her mistress every time she came to Asgard to report on Mother's search for a bride for you and informed her of everything Sigyn did from the moment she arrive. She wrote of your arguments, of our marriage and... of Sigyn possibly being... They came for her because of Astrid."

"Then Astrid should stand trial as well. Tell me where she has gone, and I will..."

"Thor, you are not hearing me. She is no longer with us."

His brother drew back a little, his eyes narrowed at Loki. Was he really going to make him say it?  

"How?" demanded Thor. 

"It does not matter," said Loki. "She is dead; that is all you need to know."

"Loki, you cannot expect me to ignore..."

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