Chapter 18. The Best Birthday Present. Well, Second Best

Start from the beginning


"I thought you had like twenty of these!"

"It's five, but I want my blue one!"

"Back of the closet." Eliza says.

I put my suit on and tie my hair in a high ponytail. I walk over to the armory and I grab my guns and put them in the holsters on my sides. I put my lightsabers on the front of my belt, one on either side of the blue hourglass. I also grab a staff and sling it across my back as well as twenty of my newest invention go in a separate pouch that's now hanging from my belt. I also grab my Avengers Emergency Kit to stash in Z11. Eliza grabs a gun, batons, and a couple grenades after putting her suit on.

I call it -my newest invention- 'The Snap'. It's a special grenade. Part EMP, part bomb. Put enough of them together, they could level a mile's worth of New York City apartment buildings and take the power out within a five mile radius.

I hop in the car I designed myself and stick my bags in the backseat. I put the keys in the ignition after Eliza hops in and my neon blue car roars to life.

"Where to?" Eliza asks.

"Los Angeles, California. We're chasing an 0-8-4." I smile. "Liza-"

"Connecting the Bluetooth." Eliza says happily as she works on connecting the Bluetooth.

"You know me so well." I grin.

"You created me, so yeah." Eliza chuckles.

I pull back the cover and push the button underneath it. The car starts hovering as the wheels are traded for mini jet engines.

AC/DC blares as Eliza and I fly across the country. After a while, we finally arrive at SHIELD HQ. I grab our bags and walk up to the front door.

"You know the drill?" I ask the guard who seems to always be there when I visit. "Alina Romanoff-Barton, clearance level 10. Director Mackenzie has a mission for me." I state. "Oh, yeah, this is Eliza, she's my friend, if she doesn't come with me, someone's gonna die."

"Alright, ma'am. Happy birthday." The guard wait, smiles? I didn't know they could do that! Neato!

"Aww, thanks! Also, take care of my car. If I find so much as a fingerprint on it, I'll add yours to my collection of skeletons in my closet." I threaten. Don't worry, I use them for Halloween decorations. It's not like they're real skeletons. *nervous laughter turns to full on evil cackle*

The guard gulps. "Yes ma'am."

"Good choice." I smirk as I enter HQ. I walk into the main room with Eliza, and Mack and Elena stand in front of me.

"Sup, Kenzie? Sup, Speedy?" I ask, smiling warmly at the couple.

"Hey kid." Mack smiles.

"I'm eighteen!" I reply.

"You'll always be a kid to us." Elena smiles. "Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thanks." I smile.

"Who's the friend?" Mack asks.

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