Chapter Twenty-Three: A Visitor

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The walk to Magic Adventure Golf Land that afternoon was as uneventful as always. Veronica seemed a little more anxious than usual, but Sam was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to worry about her. He'd had a weird nightmare about being captured by Scorpion, and although he doubted they were in danger at the moment, he couldn't help being a little on edge.

Summer was already inside the building talking to Raveena, who sat on a box eating pasta out of a plastic container. A bag of food and drinks that Summer must have brought sat at her feet.

"Eric just texted. He, Adam, and Willow are on their way," Summer told Sam and Veronica as they walked in. "And Willow has more news, apparently."

They didn't have to wait long before the door opened again. Eric came in first, followed by Adam. Willow trailed behind, focused on something on her tablet screen.

"Oh, hi." Raveena slid off the box she'd been perched on and straightened up. "You must be Adam and Willow."

Willow didn't look up, but Adam gave her a quick glance. "Raveena, right?"

Raveena nodded.

"Raveena wanted to talk to the Newmans," Summer said. "Eric, were you able to call them?"

Eric nodded. "They said we could bring her by. I have to go to work in about an hour, though, so I won't be able to come."

"I found an incident report someone at SCI wrote up on the break-in," Willow said, abruptly changing the subject. "The Nightmare Kid also downloaded information from their computers. They have software tracking their downloads, and they made notes of what he got."

"Did he take the same stuff we took?" Adam asked.

"Can't say for sure. They didn't note everything here." Willow lifted her tablet and read from it. "'Data downloaded includes fragment readings and post-accident Delta Labs reports.'"

"Post-accident?" Sam asked.

"Before the surviving researchers left, they made a few reports that were copied to the local servers, apparently." Willow tapped the screen. "The only specific report that SCI references though is 'the altered list.'"

The room fell quiet as everyone took a moment to process that.

"Does that mean—" Summer shook her head. "Is that a list of every altered?"

"How would they even have that?" Veronica asked.

"I don't know," Willow said. "That's all the note says. But if it is a list of every kid in town with powers, SCI has it, the Nightmare Kid has it, and other people might be trying to get their hands on it."

"It seems pretty unlikely that they'd somehow know the name of every kid with powers," Eric said.

"Is it?" Adam asked. "We don't know how many there are. Or how we got our powers." He looked at Willow. "Did you download the list?"

"If I did, it's hidden under an encryption I haven't been able to get through yet," Willow told him. She set the tablet down on top of a box. "Also, I'm still working on accessing the cameras that Scorpion set up. But I did place a few of my own cams across the street from the arcade and facing both ends of the alley. We'll be able to see when they come and go."

Sam eyed the tablet for a moment before looking up. "Did we want to take Raveena to meet the Newmans now, then?"

"I'm ready whenever," Raveena said.

"Great. I can drive," Summer offered. "Sam, you gonna come?"

"Sure," Sam told her.

Veronica straightened up. "I'll come too."

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now