"You just look so fucking perfect when you come undone underneath me, Princess..." Kylo growled, swiping his tongue upwards across the bundle of nerves, "I can't get enough of it..."

As he released one of your thighs, you could feel one of his large fingers rub around your entrance, coaxing a whimper from you before he pushed it slowly inside. You thought you wouldn't be able to handle anymore until he pushed another thick finger inside you, curling his fingers to hit you just right while he stimulated your clit.

At this point, you had no idea what was pouring out of your mouth, mewling out incomplete, unintelligible phrases as you were pushed off the edge once more. You were almost dizzy with pleasure as he continued on, every synapse in your body firing as fast as lighting.

To your relief, he slowly pulled out of you, pressing featherlight kisses to your inner thighs, as you waded in the pleasure. Catching your breath, you locked eyes with him as he brought the fingers that were once buried deep inside your core, shiny and slick with you, to his lips, moaning as he tasted you.

"So fucking sweet...You taste like heaven, Angel..." he whispered as he climbed over you, pressing his lips to your throat, your rapidly beating pulse bounding beneath his lips. You shuddered underneath him, bringing your unsteady hands to rub up the muscular expanse of his back.

You felt his lips skim across your jaw, brushing against your cheek until they found your lips, gentle and sweet for just a moment. As he pulled away, you combed your shaky fingers through his hair, pushing his silky waves out of his face. You couldn't help but smile, staring at the beautiful man hovering over you.

Knotting your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, you brought his lips to yours, running your tongue across his lower lip, deepening the kiss as much as you could. Once he granted you access to his mouth, you could feel him grasp your thigh, pulling you to straddle his lap as he laid back on the bed, your hair creating a curtain around your faces. A low moan erupting from Kylo's throat as you moved to kiss his neck, dragging your canines over the skin stretched over his carotid artery.

With expert precision, you brushed your finger tips with featherlight strokes down Kylo's sternum, across the ripples of his abdomen and grasped his hardened length, pumping it from where you had straddled him, quick to capture his lips with yours. His body responded to your touch as if you were the only one who could draw pleasure from it, his breath hitching in his throat, hands gripping any inch of your exposed flesh that he could find.

Finally, you sunk your wet heat on him, moaning as your walls wrapped around him, breathing in the deep moan Kylo had let out until he was fully seated inside you. You couldn't help but feel absolutely filled, the burn of being stretched to accommodate his massive length sending a shiver down your spine as you rocked your hips back and forth slowly, hearing him hiss in pleasure.

"Fuck, Princess...it's like you were made for me..." his head tilted back as you began to roll your hips in circular motions, softly moaning when your clit brushed against his pelvis. Kylo's giant hands pawed at your hips, almost trying to coax you to speed up.

"What's good for one is good for all, Kylo..." you whispered as you leaned down to take his earlobe between your teeth, lifting your hips up off of his length until he had almost slipped out of you, only to slowly sink your hips back down. You sat back up, swiveling your hips around his length as you let your head fall limp on your shoulders, closing your eyes and reveling in the feeling of Kylo's cock practically splitting you in two.

As you sped up the movements of your hips, you could feel his hands run up your waist, his fingers brushing against the sensitive peaks of your breasts, taking your nipples between his forefingers and thumb, rolling them gently between them. A moan tumbled from your lips, causing you to almost rush the circling of your hips around him.

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