A Spoonful of Sugar

Start from the beginning

Akamaru whined as Kiba shut the window in their cottage hideout. Yes, his master looked fine, but he could smell the weird smell getting stronger not weaker. The dog was getting more concerned as time passed, which he never would've expected to be started by a simple cut from an enemy's weapon.

"Quit worrying, Akamaru. I'll kick this stupid thing in its butt." Kiba said smugly. His eyes narrowed suspiciously when he heard a knock at the door, "We're in the middle of nowhere so who could be here?" He mused out loud as he grabbed a kunai and cautiously approached the door,

Suddenly, he darted forward and threw the door open. He hoped to catch the visitor off guard, but the flood of orange clad bodies that knocked him over had other plans. However, Kiba immediately righted himself when he felt a set of hands on his belt.

"Not happening!" Kiba yelled and kicked the clones off him, sending several skidding into the kitchen. After slashing two more clones with his kunai he glared at the only blonde he hadn't dispelled. "Back off, Naruto."

Naruto pulled out a bottle filled with pills and gave it a rattle, "I will get you to take one of these fucking pills."

Kiba twitched, "Do you even know how-"

"Up the ass." Naruto said so bluntly that Kiba's jaw dropped, which made the blonde smirk. "I've been complimented on my technique so just take your pants-"

"No! Akamaru, come help me!" Kiba yelled, but blinked when his canine partner didn't jump to his side. He looked around and twitched violently when saw the large dog still laying on the couch. Akamaru was clearly refusing to help. "Fucking traitor!" He snapped before dodging another wave of clones that drove him out of his house.

This time he knew he was outnumbered and let the clones pin him slightly to the floor. Of course, he had no intention of giving up. Once the main Naruto came close he kicked hard. It was a perfectly timed shot that sent the bottle of pills flying out of Naruto's hands. Of course, the hideaway was on a steep grassy hill so who knows how far the damn thing rolled.

"Dammit." Naruto cursed, but it was followed by all his clones being sent flying and most being dispelled. A couple clones from the first wave hid in the kitchen where they landed and, out of shear luck, didn't pop out of existence.

Kiba apparently took those moments where he was held down to rest. The strength he regained was enough to send the clones flying across the house, but despite that Naruto noticed that Kiba looked worn out. Considering they've only been fighting for a few minutes this wasn't a good sign. Kiba shouldn't be worn out yet especially since Naruto's clones weren't even fighting back.

"Fine. I won't fight you on this. " Naruto said with a shrug. As calm as he seemed he was actually worried about stressing Kiba out after what Tsunade said. He had to find those pills without a large, and very noticeable, army of clones. Then distract Kiba.

Kiba's eyes narrowed skeptically, "You were probably hired on this mission so why would you back out?"

"Hey, I like butts and all, but I shouldn't have to fight a grown jonin just to make him take his own medicine ... if it wasn't for the fact I'd get in trouble I'd leave. Hell, I have a break now so I could go find a date so I have company over this unexpected few weeks off." The blonde commented with a suggestive wink before humming as if he was pondering something. "Ok, I want to get to running my tongue all over a hot cock until he's flushed and screaming, but I don't need your sister bugging me about letting you get your way so how about a quick game? You win, I leave. I win, I give you the pill. Either way you say I tried."

"That sounds hot-I mean perfect." Kiba gasped looking a little flushed.

Naruto grinned, "You were right the first time! When a cute guy gets hot and bothered he absolutely begs to be fucked and he'll do whatever necessary to cum. Anyway, Rock, Paper, Scissors?" He asked and couldn't be happier that Kiba was clearly turned on by his detailed comments.

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