A quick word from the author...

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.... quick, because I could swear there's somebody in the room with me. I can only see them out of the corner of my eye and every time I look up from my laptop, they're bloody gone. Shouldn't have taken a prompt with ghosts. I knew it. Shouldn't have responded to the prompt at all. But hey, it's all about fun, right? Good luck to all of you in ONC. I hope your characters are a bit more-- 

There. I'm not imagining things, I swear it's...ah, okay. Only the cat. Here, kitty, kitty. 

You make me nervous. 

Anyway, I didn't know what to write, so I wrote the middle first. Important to have a middle. The end sort of happens. The beginning is easy. The middle gets me, every bloody time. So, I started there and then worked things backwards. 

Let's see where that takes us. 

What's that?

It isn't the cat. 


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