" the f in women stands for funny " he chuckled

" you know what is In women? Not you" Kiri and kami bursted out laughing while kat just smirked lightly

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FAT BITCH?" he screeched marching towards me

I rolled my eyes and launched him in the sky with my wind quirk without moving a muscle.

" GODDD he was boring, who's next?" i smiled sweetly looking at the villains as my aura changed, giving them all chills. Some started to tremble feeling my blood lust getting released.

"guys i'm not gonna lie I analyzed these guys and based on their aura i can tell none of them are powerful so you wanna take care of this?" i glanced at them

They nodded and smirked at the villains.

~~~~Time skip to after fighting the group of villainsssss~~~~

" hey y/n how did you do that?'' kami asked as we began to walk away from the beat up villains.

" How did i do what?" i yawned

" well your aura changed from sweet to im going to kill everyone in sight" kiri nodded in agreement

" oh well because one of my quirks is earth, i've always been connected to animals. Hmmm how do I explain- OH! So you know  that feeling you get  when an angry bear wants to eat you?.. well the bear is shifting their aura to intimidate any threat. And when the bear wants to attack they hide their aura to surprise the prey! i can shift my aura as well as hide my presence, so you can see me but you can't feel me" i explained stretching my arms

''Wow that's so manly! can you show us?" kiri smiled that adorable toothy smile

" yea sure" i chuckled

i stood still  and closed my eyes, hiding my aura.

kat's eyes widened slightly

"oh my god! i can't sense you at all! can you teach us that too!?" kami and kiri exclaimed excitedly

" yea if we can make it out here alive" i chuckled

" speaking of i think we should split up we need to find the others faster and meet up. so lets regroup in the middle of the USJ"i stopped stretching my wings getting ready to fly

" ok who goes with who though?" kiri stopped turning to me

" uh I don't know what ever floats your boat but i'm going alone, i can't focus as well when there are others around me. plus if dear old dad decides to see me than i don't want to cause you guys even more trouble than i already have." i sighed mumbling the last part

"dumbass it's not your fault  you didn't ask to be born with a shit father. and you aren't part of the league, you didn't know so stop being a moron." kat grumbled walking up to me

'' heh yea ok." i smiled rolling my eyes

kat grabbed my arm soflty but firmly. forcing me to look at him

" i'm serious. and be careful'' kat stared into my soul

" well look at you being sweet you should do it more often it's cute" i smirked at him

" shut up dumbass. i only said that because we all know your a clumsy moron" kat growled letting me go and turning away

" i know i know, don't worry i'll try not to die....key word 'try'.." i chuckled flying up

Kiri POV:

" what was that?" Kami tapped me smirking
I smirked back and turned towards bakubro

King Explosion murder -(kastuki Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now