Meeting with Madame Maxime

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"How do you... you know... feel about it?" Fleur asked.

"I'm pissed," you said, "I'm pissed at Fred for being an absolute idiot. At myself for not realizing that I liked him before now. And I'm absolutely miserable without my best friend,"

"Boys," said Fleur, shaking her head, "I'm sorry, Y/N,"

"It's okay,"

"If it makes you feel better, he looks at you all the time. I've seen it. It is quite sweet. He's probably miserable without you too. I think he really needs you," Fleur pulled you into a hug. You blinked tears away from your eyes. Next time you were in the Great Hall, you were going to look at Fred and see if what Fleur was saying was true.

"Who else did you guys think was hot?" you asked after Fleur had released you, desperate for a change in subject.

"Well, obviously those twin boys," she said, "I've always been particular to redheads,"

"I've got some news for you: there is a whole family of them,"

"You'll have to introduce me," Fleur said, laughing. Then she continued, "The blonde and brunette boys in Slytherin,"

"Draco Malfoy and Adrian Pucey? Oh no. Don't go for them. Especially not Adrian. He's the worst!"

"Okay, I won't!" Fleur grinned. You and her continued to talk about all the boys she thought were attractive at Hogwarts. You gave Fleur all the tea about each one. The two of you were becoming almost instant friends. You'd almost forgotten about you meeting with Madame Maxime until the massive woman stepped out of her office.

"Y/N, I assume?" Madame Maxime asked. You nodded.

"Yes ma'am," you said. Madame Maxime gestured to you, indicating that you should follow her into the office. You stood, said goodbye to Fleur, and followed Madame Maxime.

The office was circular and decorated similarly to the rest of the carriage. A massive desk sat in the middle of the room. Madame Maxime took a seat behind it. You sat on the opposite side. The chair you were in rose a couple of inches automatically, allowing you to be more level with the massive woman in front of you.

"So," Madame Maxime said, "You have come to talk about your mother,"

"Yes," you said, "My uncle said you knew her,"

"I did indeed," she replied, "I was the deputy headmistress at the time, similar to your Professor McGonagall. Your mother, Carmela, was exceptional," Madame Maxime opened one of her desk's drawers and removed several photographs. She placed them in front of you.

The first was of a quidditch team wearing robes that read L'Équipe de L'Air. In the front row was your mother, immediately recognizable to you by her hair color. Your mother held a quaffle in one hand and was laughing with her teammates. The second photograph showed only your mother. She was flying on a broomstick, a quaffle in her arms. You watched as she scored a goal and then pumped her fits in the air. The third photograph was Carmela arm in arm with two boys and a girl. The final one was of her in a blue Beauxbatons uniform, smiling at the camera. Tears fell slowly from your eyes.

"As you can see, Carmela played quidditch. She was a chaser and the team captain her last year at Beauxbatons. You play quidditch too, yes?"

"Yeah," you said, "I'm also a chaser," Madame Maxime nodded and smiled softly.

"Carmela was excellent at school. She tried her hardest to perform well in all of her classes. I believe Potions and our magical creatures class were her favorites. She was quite keen to get out into the world and perform magic. I think she was one of the most ambitious students Beauxbatons has ever seen," the woman said.

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