The International Terrorist Wants to Become a Teacher

Start from the beginning

Obito ran a hand through his hair, "Well, things haven't been easy recently to be frank." I guess that made sense, "Any thoughts of my own life path have been completely thrown off by Kakashi's antics and other things..." he shook his head, "I know I'm in no place to say this, but even without a war things are still quite chaotic, almost unrelentingly so."

I tried thinking back again, "You... wanted to be a teacher."

He looked over at me in surprise, "You remember that?"

"I can remember things, y'know!" I bit back, "I'm not stupid." he held up an apologetic hand, and I folded my arms behind my head, "Besides, I remember that it was kinda funny because you barged in shouting that you wanted to be a teacher, and then Kakashi-sensei completely ignored you and told you you were proctoring the Chunin Exams." I smirked, "And then you yelled at him a lot for not notifying you sooner and giving you little time to prepare or whatever."

"Glad you remember it so vividly." Obito grumbled, "But... yes, I did want that."

I quirked a brow, "'Did'?"

He shrugged self-consciously, "I dunno... it's not like I put a ton of thought into it or anything or that I really considered what being a teacher would entail."

"What do you like about it?" I prompted.

"Well... I realized that I look up to the people that have taught me throughout my life and hold them quite highly. I give them a lot of respect," he answered carefully, mulling over his words, "I think it is an important profession that might even be honorable, that someone would pour their time into building up others like that."

I nodded, "Yeah, teachers are pretty cool. Iruka-sensei is kinda like a dad to me, I respect Kakashi-sensei a lot even though he's acting like a weirdo right now, I've had a lot of important teachers in my life." I just wished some of them were still alive to see what their efforts had done for the world.

"Yeah," maybe Obito was smiling under his mask, "And... there's a naive part of me that thinks I might be able to help those that are struggling more than others, try and give them the support that they aren't getting."

"That would be nice." I replied, thinking about those words, "Sasuke could've used that."

"You could have used that." Obito countered with a touch of light teasing.

"Hey, Iruka-sensei did his best!" I didn't know why that made me so defensive, but maybe he did have a point.

"Of course," Obito chuckled before his mood fell, "Maybe I'm just afraid of being naive again, thinking that I can make a difference, since last time I tried to do that it was a horrific failure."

"Trying to be a teacher isn't the same as becoming a terrorist." I deadpanned, "Stop trying to limit yourself with stupid, irrational fears."

Obito stared at me for a moment before refacing the road, "You... have a point."

"So, what's actually stopping you?" I posed.

"Uncertainty?" he shrugged, "I mean, babysitting Kakashi is a full time job in its own right and has been keeping me busy... but I also have no idea how I'd even go about being a teacher, y'know?"

"I get it," I thought on it for a moment, "Why don't you ask Iruka-sensei about it and if you'd be right for it?"

"Iruka?" He seemed taken aback by the idea.

"Yeah, I dunno, I think you'd make an alright teacher." I offered, "But if you wanna have some real assurance, Iruka is actually a teacher."

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