For now...I need to act behind the scenes or else my activities will get revealed. The main purpose of monitoring the suspicious people city is to safe-keep the people as well as punishing any bad doings of the bad guys.

But here is the real main problem...I am basically registered as an adventurer in the city hence I have a record. Moreover if by chance I am involved in any bad or illegal activity the card's status would have something like "Treason" "Murder" "Theft" or the like in lieu of the sin you have done. By the way being a traitor also counts as one. The punishment will be slavery, imprisonment...and worst-case scenario would be death.

[Nnnnnnn] I am monitoring it with all due respect with the reasoning "Evil Organization Begone" or something like that. But...where do I trace the enemy when I do not even knew who to deal with?

I guess I need to really associate with the spies huh......I wonder how it will go

At the same time at a kingdom near a sea

Automata, a humanoid golem with human like appearance. As the name suggest, they are not humans. This object is but a golem, but possess the will and intelligence if one. It can move according to its own will and can move freely even without an owner.

[Report] (??)

[Irregular activities detected none, no black organization within the city] (??)

[Good] (??)

This was a conversation happening inside a room of a certain noble that happens to be the an owner of a female model automata she was an owner of.

The said person is a girl with a short stature, violet hair with a tinge of red at the tip, violet eyes, and peachy rose skin...she was a beauty but her looks would always fool other people that she's but a child. But something akin is hidden by this person that is so important and useless at the same time....she is actually the reincarnation of a certain professor back during the ancient civilization period wherein automata have flourished. Yet here she was at the current timeline wherein the said creations of her only became some sort of collectible pieces.

[Siege tell Anne that you need to go to Miruzo City to procure materials so that I can create your next sister] (??) She calls her creations as daughters, and her creations treat each other as siblings.

[Yes mother] (Siege) The said female automata named Siege is a voluptuous female model "D" that have black hair and yellow eyes similar to a gemstone called topaz. On her waist was a mithril short sword as her weapon.

[Mother sorry for the intrusion, Onette has detected a few members of the accursed organization Black Vipers. Orders please] (Anne) Anne, an automata with a flat chest(pettanko ぺったんこ) came inside the room. Her blond bob cut hair is her most prominent part that is standing out due to the contrast her eye color is. It is brown.

[Just follow the lead of Siege and if by chance this organization is a threat at your activities not hesitate to eliminate them] (??)

[Understood!] (Siege and Anne)

Both automatas had left the room their mother was in. The said "mother" gazes at the window and mutters a string of words in a very weak voice.

[How long will I meet the person said in Ameriths's oracle?] (??) Who is this "mother" and who is this "Amerith"? Will this person be a nuisance later on? Will she be an ally or an enemy? A friend or a foe? Who knows. But there is only one thing that she is sure of...that is...

The man on her dreams have finally set foot on this world and all she need is to find him

Jack's POV

It has already been 3 days since I started the spy monitoring activity as well as the chase for the Black Viper organization that is planning to do bad things to the world.

Currently I am on the market helping the inn maid as well as the inn cook in shopping for groceries...why did I ended up doing this you ask? was because I pitched in for a friend. To be precise it was Ms. Marika who asked for such assistance since she needs to go to the tax collector to pay the annual land and business tax of the inn as well as other minor details which were omitted.

[Jack-san can you store these?] (Runelle) The cat eared maid of the Vantage Inn, Runelle, points at the basket of vegetables she put down to the ground...I mean it was a very big basket, sort of the same as the one where you can put it on your back.

I stored it at INVENTORY and we continues our shopping trip. By the way it is just me and Lala today...Lushea decided to stay at the room to laze. Hence I have no money chomper near me.

The trip was quite wonderful too since I get to know how to haggle with the prices being offered as well as some specialties that can be found in the city such as the misanga made from monster silk, a bracelet and and a belt made from a monster viper leather.

I bought one that I took notice of, it was a turtle shell hair ornament...I kind of forgot what its name was but it is a hair ornamental.

[Ehehehe~Thank you Jack-sa~n] (Lala) For the record, I am not courting the inn was just purely coincidental that I kind if want to give it to her since the item actually suits her hair color. It seems that I have somehow flipped her switch for a bit, making me earn a bit of her affection....this might be good too!

As we were about to leave the market...

{Unit leader, a fight has broken in the slums district just now. Providing video feedback} (Stalker 5) I received a radio message from one of my liaisons back at the inn.

Haa~h and here I was hoping that today would be peaceful. I guess as long as this Black Viper group is still running, I will hunt for them.

Oh boy...but I need to bring Runelle back to inn for the meantime.

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