Start from the beginning

She held it closer to her eyes, JL was printed one side — she knew that — but the date was funny on it, there was numbers for days that haven't passed. The wording on the outside were hard to read, as if she wasn't supposed to read it. But it reminded her of some sort of tag that was put upon a dead body. Her bracelet was a silver chain that went around her wrist but after the clasp a small darker metal tag styled charm hung down. Her initials on one side and blurry numbers and words on the other side.

Her eyes narrowed on the jewellery, but she just couldn't make out the words. Her bracelet reminded her of 'toe tag' that dead people wear in the morgue.

But then it was gone. Maybe she had imagined it — she must off.

"Is there something special about today?"  Vision asked the girls, looking between them as Juniper was brought back to the land of the living.

Wanda furrowed her brows as she looked down at her attire. She looked exactly like what people expected.  "Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing me best to blend in."

"You look ravishing, Wanda."  Juniper stated, not even looking over at her best friend as she stared at Vision in complete confusion.

"No, no."  The girls looked at Vision, mouths slightly open in shock.  "Well yes, you do look lovely."  He reassured. Juniper pointed at her eyes then at him with hers narrowed.  "But, there on the calendar, someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date."  Vision took a few steps to his wife as she turned towards the calendar.

Juniper looked at it, shrugged and went back to staring at her wrist. She could of sworn she had a bracelet, but hey ho, what was she to do about that?

"Oh, yes, the heart."  Wanda said, trying to hide her own 'I don't know what's going on' shock in her voice.


Wanda turned, hiding her confusion with accusations in helps to find out information.  "Well, don't tell me you have forgotten, Vis."

"Yeah, Vis."

"Forgotten?"  Vision repeated in offence.  "Oh, Wanda, I'm incapable of forgetfulness."  He lied, leaning his hand against the counter, shifting his weight into it in the process.  "I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration, in fact, I'm incapable of exaggerating."

"Well, then tell me what's so important about today's date."

Vision looked over at Juniper for help. She smiled at him and shrugged.

"What was the question again?"  Vision asked after a few moments of silence.  "Oh, well, perhaps, you've forgotten yourself."  Vision waved off, walking away from the girls.


"Me? Heavens, no."  Wanda rushed out her defence.  "I've been looking forward to it."

"As have I."

"I obviously haven't."  Juniper muttered, she pulled a lollipop out of her pocket, undoing the wrapper before she began to suck it.

"Today, we are celebrating —"

"You bet we are."

Juniper looked between the married couple, blinking slowly as she didn't know what the hell they were going on about and why they didn't just admit to not knowing. It was so obvious the didn't know.

"It's the first time we —"


"— have ever celebrated this occasion before."

"It's a special day!"

"Perhaps an evening."

"Of great significance."

"To us both."


Juniper had come to the conclusion to avoid tonight as much as possible. She just needed to walk that night, I mean want a pity she won't be here to enjoy such an event.

The couple shared a small kiss and Juniper looked away, she didn't want to intrude and all that good stuff.

"Well done, us."  Vision let out a deep breath.  "All right. Well, that's me off to work, then."

Wanda and Juniper watched the man leave. Wanda took her weight off the counter, rushing away slightly.  "Oh, don't forget."

"I haven't."

Vision put a hat on and turned to his wife in a 'please stop accusing me' way.

"Your face, idiot."  Juniper stated, she pushed herself out of the chair, patting down her skirt before she stood next to her best friend as Wanda gestured towards her face.

Vision looked in the small mirror. He was in his natural form, so whilst letting out a noise of realisation he changed to look like his human form. He blew a kiss and Wanda caught it.

"Have a good day, dear, June!"  He called back as he left.

A few short moments had passed before Wanda looked at Juniper, her face begging for help.  "What is today?"

Juniper smiled sympathetic at her friend, placing a kiss to her forehead after shrugging. How was she to know?

A knock interrupted the girls worry. They shared a look, trying to work out if they expected anyone. They didn't.

Juniper grabbed her best friends hand and pulled her over to the door, curiosity getting the best of her. Who, oh who, could it be?

It wasn't the police for sure, Juniper hasn't done anything illegal in the short time they've been here, and Wanda has kept herself in the low, and Vision wasn't walking around in his robotic form.

Curiosity didn't keep her waiting as as soon as Juniper dropped Wanda's hand, she opened the door.

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