"Look I'm not gonna hurt you. But I do have to bring you in for doing what you did." I pointed my thumb to one of the frozen bodies. I saw her start chewing on her lip. Her eyes narrowed to the ground like she was trying to think. "I can sweep this under the rug if-" I was saying before she started running, down farther down the alley way.

"God damnit I thought this was gonna be an easy night!" I took after her.

I was running after her until she ran into a dead end and was trying to find away out. I slowly made my way to her.

She turned around and looked at me, like a trapped mouse. Her body backed into the wall and her eyes darted around trying to figure out how to get out of this.

Finally her eyes landed on me, I was about 25 feet from her. "If you don't hurry up and melt those guys they would freeze to death." She smirked. "They have about 5 minutes left before their core stops. I have them enough for an air way, so they didn't suffocate." Her hands were on the wall by her sides. Once again she was barking.

"I'm sure you have your reasons." I was not gonna let her go, what happen if she did this again?

"Look, hero I really don't want to fight you but youre forcing my hand." She growled, but I could see her body trembling. "So please just walk away."

I got into attacking stance, ready for anything. "We both know I can't do that, babydoll."

She looked down and I could see her body got stiff, and she pushed her self off the wall. Her hands started to have almost like a frosty blue vines growing from her hands up into her arms. It looked like it was following her vains.

"One. Last. Time. Please just walk away." She demanded. Her head slowly lifted a little more and I could see the vines grew up to her face stoping at her cheeks.

I softly shook my head, this was something I couldn't walk away from. I could see the girl breathed in shakily. Her eyes glued on to me.

Quickly she shot up her hand and icicles came out of no where. But this was a different type of ice. This ice not only had the vapor coming off, it look like it had a dark core.

I quickly shot my blue flames at it. It took awhile for it to melt, I felt a little prink in my palm before it stopped. My eyes slightly widden, if it took that long for my flames to melt it, then I knew for sure that nothing else would. She shot another one at me, and I just flame thorwed it and felt another prink.

I had to do hand to hand combat with her, because we were pretty much even if we just stayed like this. I quickly dropped my hand and charged at her. She watched me, and didn't know what to do.

I saw her threw her hand to the side and made a pole of ice. Before I could grabb her she volted over me with the pole and started running. Fuck! I quickly turned around and started running after her again. But this time she quickly turned around and faced me. She stomped on the ground and an ice wall was made. I quickly tried to melt it but, it looked like she made it super thick. It was gonna take some time to get through. God damn it!!!! I pushed as hard as I could my hands feeling the pain from the heat and finally I had to stop or else I was gonna melt my hands off.

Once I got through the ice wall she was already gone. I let out a long sigh and started walking over to where the frozen men were. They were blue, and it looked like they didn't make it. I started to melt the ice as I called in for another hero.

"Hey Burnt boy." A voice spoke, as I melted the last frozen statue, freeing the dead body. I turned and saw Mustard. The boy was in his black hero suit, and his old war war 2 gask mask.

Butterfly Kisses, Wolf Bites (Amajiki Tamaki X FemOc)Where stories live. Discover now