I smiled, and fell into the stance I'd become so familiar with. I could keep singing like this, keep them calm, and Bakugou wouldn't know what to do with himself. Yaoyorozu was currently standing behind both him and Todoroki in the open door, looking quite unsure of herself, as if she didn't know how she'd made it to be fighting me in the first place. Bakugou, as I predicted was swaying on his feet, confused and currently rendered useless. Then there was Todoroki, who seemed to be the main problem. I floated the weapon slightly higher in the tornado, knowing they couldn't see inside the raging winds.

But he kept it all inside his head
What he saw he left unsaid
And though he wanted to
He couldn't talk to you
He couldn't find the way
But he would always say

Todoroki rushed me, the other two still standing in the doorway. I dropped to the ground and he came close, kicking his feet out from under him. I quickly check how much time I had left: 17 minutes. That's how long I had to hold him off for. He rolled over like Nemuri had last night, and grabbed me, pinning me to the floor. I tilted my head at him, his monotonous expression still in place, his hair slightly ruffled.

"How- what-?" He seemed to try to talk. I pushed my hips up, and flipped us over. Now I was pinning him. Sadly I couldn't answer his jumbled question, because it meant I would have to stop singing.

If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start

He managed to roll out from under me, as I continued singing softly. I didn't want to do what I was about to, but I knew he'd survive. Another reason I picked the roof: I let out a strong gust of wind as I continued the song, blowing him off the roof and a few buildings down. Quickly, I grabbed the tape I used to restrain the heroes, and wrapped it around Yaoyorozu. I hadn't realised I'd broken the song until I felt Bakugou's fist collide with my ribs. A sharp, painful sensation shot through me, and I whirled around to him, teeth bared.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME YOU DAMN EXTRA?" He yelled right in my face.

"Shut up, you arrogant porcupine." I growled at him, before pushing him off the roof. He could fly with those explosions, and I was really starting to get into this villain persona. Then I remembered Todoroki.

I whipped around as a path of ice shot towards the weapon. I blasted it higher, out of his reach as he extended his hand towards the forceful wind.

"Don't even try. Please, it'll rip your arms off." I looked at him, deciding to play the innocent victim, my eyes wide and pleading.

"That's okay." He smiled back at me. "Just dispel it and I won't get hurt." My face fell into a sort of disappointed expression. 

"Fine." I took another breath, and regretfully picked the song back up.

If I could tell her
If I could tell her

He paused for a second, and I let my voice carry over the wind. I heard a thumb and a screech. I suspended Todoroki in the air, guiltily knowing I should tie him up, but not wanting to for some unknown reason. Peering over the roof, I saw Bakugou on the ground, after falling when I started singing again.

He thought
You looked really pretty, er
It looked pretty cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair

I kept singing, making sure he was still on the ground. I checked the time again: ten minutes to go. Easy, though I wanted to make sure I was the undisputed winner quickly.

And he wondered how you learned to dance
Like all the rest of the world isn't there
But he kept it all inside his head
What he saw he left unsaid

I used the wind to propel myself to where Todoroki was limp in my wind restraints, solidified air supporting him. I quickly grabbed the tape, capturing him before lowering him to the ground to rest beside Momo. I just had to keep the song up long enough to tie Bakugou, then I could go to sleep.

If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apartAnd I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her

I floated down, letting the bomb back onto the roof and restraining the peaceful Bakugou, who was still lying on the ground. I waited for my victory to be announced, but I heard nothing.

"Um, All Might?" I called up, making sure when I stopped singing I was out of reach of Bakugou. 

"Oh yes, right." His voice sounded through the building. "The hero team has been restrained! Y/n is the winner!" I left Bakugou there, running through the building to get to the roof. When I finally got there, I saw Momo cutting Todoroki loose with scissors she'd probably created with her quirk.

"Sorry about that guys." I placed a hand behind my head, smiling sheepishly about that. 

"That's fine." Todoroki kept his eyes on the scissors as they cut him loose. He stood up, and held out his hand. "Good match, I didn't know you had two quirks." I stared at his hand before reaching out and shaking it, hesitantly. 

"I actually only have the wind quirk." I laughed in a confused sort of way.

"Then what was that singing?" Momo questioned, hugging me. I awkwardly patted her back, before she released me and I stepped back.

"Oh, just something. We better go help Bakugou." 

"Just something?" I heard him mutter, before following me down to the ground. I started walking towards Bakugou, reaching out a hand to untie him, but quickly stopped.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP YOU DAMN EXTRA!" I winced. I was pretty sure he'd just destroyed my eardrums. He started gnashing his teeth at me, and I slowly backed off, him wiggling angrily after me, still restrained,  trying to bite my hand.

"Eep, Todoroki, help me!" I continued scurrying away from the mummified explosion boy, and Todoroki stepped in, creating a slightly elevated platform of ice that Bakugou rolled off of.

"Ouch." I tilted my head at the angry worm-like thing in front of me. "Ima leave him to All Might." I quickly ran back to the building where our class was watching us.

"Yeah, me too." Momo said, the multi-coloured boy making a noise of agreement before wandering after us.

The Fairy's Song (Shoto Todoroki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now